
Have you ever "Googled" Google?

by  |  earlier

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if you have say yes if you haven't say no. anyways the person who leaves the funniest joke in my opinion gets 10 points :]




  1. no, I have never done it, have you done it? i think that is a waste of time and effort, when you have the toolbar on top of the screen. but if you do it you can do it over and over, its an infinite loop. if you are bored try doing it. i myself dont have time for that. and I already know that i wont  get the ten points because i didnt have anything funny to say about it.

  2. only girls do that...

  3. nope but i think i will. have you ever typed googoth ingoogle?? its pretty cool. type googoth then click im feeling lucky

  4. nope but thanks for the idea... hahahahaha!^^

  5. Yuppers i have! Good times.... Well for my joke, hmm...

    A survey was taken and it asked guys what is the first thing they notice in a girl? Some say the racks, butts, eyes, or hair.

    The same was asked to the girls, but what they first notice in a guy. And they all relized, how big of jerks they are!

    Hope i enlightened your night!


    BTW, not the best i herd, but its still pretty good

  6. Fo sho, homie.  I google that stuff daily.  I google googling and then after I've googled googling sufficiently, I will begin to image search googling google after that I hit up google video and google video videos about googling google.  Sometime I look on google maps for the google headquarters (its in Ann Arbor).  Then I look on google shopping and google clothes that say google.  If you google googling a google times, eventually you'll find this post about me talking about googling google on various google engines.

  7. no,, i havnt but i am right nowwww

    thanks for the ideaa

  8. lol

  9. I Google "Google" whenever I am darn too bored or can not find anything to type or do ;)

  10. joke? One time I kept googling google, and when that google came up, I googled google on that, and I kept doing that for 3 and a half hours.

  11. So Google walks into a bar...

  12. yep, it just gives the link to google all over again.

  13. hahaha,

    Yeah accidentally. I think it comes up with...

    "Do you mean:"

    I was like wtf?

    I was trying to type it in but my computer kept freezing up. o.O

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