
Have you ever seen a ghost?

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Have you ever seen a ghost, ghost stories wanted by writer compiling a paranormal anthology.




  1. Yes.  It was a computer with no IP address.

  2. personally- no, i haven't.

    but there was this old lady who lived in my house before my family moved in; she died before we moved and that's why the house was for sale.

    my friend was sleeping over once and she said that she woke up in the middle of the night and saw an old lady sitting at the end of my bed- so i kinda believe.

  3. Yes, I've seen many ghosts.  I've been seeing them since I was just a child, and am now a paranormal investigator.

  4. No but I have seen the devil in my dreams all my life and he has many faces I just stop during the day and a new image of him pops into my head I dont care if nobody believes me you dont see them I do.

  5. I nearly crashed my car, cos I saw a oldish man stand in front of me, I slammed on the brakes, but there was no one there.

    Afterwards, when I mentioned it to my friend, she told me that there have been many sightings, of the same man.

  6. Yes, many times to tell the truth. I can tell you a few:

    I had just gotten home from school. There was no one home but me, and nothing was on. No lights, computers, tvs, toys, nothing. I sat on the ouch and heard a man scream from down the hall at me. He said "What are you doing!?" I replied and said that I was sitting then went to see what it was and nothing and no one was there.

    Another time, I was brushing my hair and I heard a little girl say something from behind me. It sounded like she said "Nikki, can you ear me?" I jumped and spun around and no one here. I dont have any sisters or little brothers. So I decided to answer and said "yes" and I got "good" as a reply. I ran out of the bathroom without finishing my hair.

    I looked out the window of thanksgiving and saw a man that was glowing walk through my backyard and into the woods and dissapeared.

    I was watching tv and caught a glimpse of a woman sitting next to me but when I turned my head, no one was there.

    Eating dinner I saw a man maybe in his late 20's eary 30's leaning against the wall and then turn and walked through it.

    I had a vase fly off the shelf at me and when I ducked it slammed on the floor. I picked it up and there wasnt even a scratch on it. It was very thin glass

    I guess that's enough. Hope it helps.

  7. One night the ghost of a previous coworker came to me while I was sleeping.  He told me I would be visited that night by three other ghosts, who would bring me visions of the past, present, and future.  Thanks to the warning I had my equipment set up and waiting.  A couple proton pack blasts later and those ghosts are now in my Ecto-containment unit.  Some jerk in city government is trying to shut the power off to the unit however, and even though I tell them this will result in a giant marshmellow mascot reigning terror over the city, they just won't give up.

  8. yes, i've seen a ghost. It's a really weird feeling, when you see one, you can't explain it (well i couldn't)

  9. yes,i have seen many spirits.

    I am a spiritual medium,and its part of what i do,that i see these spirits.

    I have been a medium/healer practitioner for 25 years,and i see spirits just as i see you or any other being really.

    I have also done a lot of t.v mediumship on satellite TV channels here in u.k,in the genre of live phone ins and,that is the toughest thing to

  10. yes they exist!

  11. I did once when I was young, and it took me forever to get over it. Up until this day, unless i'm with my partner for the night, I wouldn't sleep in a double bed alone (I'd use a single mattress instead). I once lived by my own in a studio apartment. I woke up one night and almost lost my sanity when I saw this figure lying next to me. Obviously I was too histerical to figure out who it was. But it definitely wasn't my girlfriend. I ran out of my flat and spent the rest of the week at my neighbor's place.

    I think there's always one particual point in everybody's life when things like this must take place, whether you like it or not. It was sheer terror I should say, having said so it kinda changed my idea of life and how it works.

  12. I haven't and to be honest I don't want to. This is some great footage but I think it's probably fake.

  13. No,I'd feel awful silly making such things up.Apparently others don't.

  14. yes i was seven years old and in my bedroom looked up and seen a figure of a man looked like he was dressed in the 1920s, looked at me and walked through the wall, ive never ran so fast in my life.

  15. No. Never.

  16. Well I've seen an skeleton running towards me when I was so small and that was in the dawn. I can't believe my eyes either!

  17. no. i wish i would that would be interesting!!

  18. Yes on many occasions

    -When I was six and for four months after her death I heard what seemed to be her voice saying my name and various phrases. On the night before Halloween I saw her dog on my bed (Dog had died a month after her).

    -When I was eight my cousin was hit and later died from a car accident. At my aunts house I refused to go into the basement where my cousins room was located . After one year of refusing to go down there , I went with her sister and my cousins to eat at the kiddie table as I pasted her room I saw her sitting on her bed reading a book (she looked alive but there was a slight lightness to her) she looked up saw me , vanished and the book fell onto the floor.

    -When I was nine I started seeing two ghosts in my house.

    The first one was a dark shadow who would often hid upstairs in my room or our studio. It was about 6 feet and always appeared to be misty black it always had a large pole in its hand. It stopped appearing in my house after a very traumatizing encounter.

    the second ghost was a girl around the age 0f 8-12. She wore a yellow dress (style from the late 1800's) she had long brown-red hair and she was amused by a large peacock feather I had on my desk under the window. She would play with it. One time she caught the string that pulls the curtains and it became tangled along the wall. I told her to pull it down and flip it then I had left. In the morning it was untangled and the feather was in a vase...on the other side of my room.I later found out my house had been built on abonded farm house from the 1800's.

    -Theres been other personal encounters with me but heres a backround of me to understand.

    -My mother,grandmother, and aunts have had paranormal rifts but here are three.

    -My grandmother after giving birth to my mom saw her father (who had died two years earlier) watching in the hospitol window.

    -My mom has had a dream (every 2-3 years) about being a civil war spy for the union. In the dream its at Gettysburg and the soldier is later shot under a tree. We believe its an ancestor.

    -My mom recently had a gastric bypass surgery. In the hospital she felt a tug on her foot. No one else was in the room. Its the same hospital her grandmother died in.

    -I also know my aunt had a very horrible encounter which she has only discussed with my grandma.

    If you have any questions or would like to press forward please e-mail me.

    thank you

  19. Yes, and it freaked me out so bad, I ended up in the hospital.  Yes, they can be heard also.  Not a time I like to indulge but it frightened me half to death.  You asked...:)

  20. I lead a paranormal Investigation group were a newer group and havent done muc yet but one of te most memorable places was tis one old house. Around the revolution it was used as a Inn and a masionic lodge. So anyway During te investigation me and my team were on te second floor doing some evp work 3 of them eard what they belive were solied foot steps tey told me and we all quieted down and we heard them again they were comming from te first floor some of us thinking it was the care take rused down to find out and he wasnt there we looked outside and didnt see his truck so we continued our investigation when we finished by chance the care taker pulled up and we asked him if he was there earlier when we heard the footsteps and he replied he wasnt. some of my group also had weird feelings that night but nothing has exciting later when we looked back at the audio we had probaly 15 minuites worth of evps spread out through the entire time we were there which is alot of evidence

  21. yes i have never seen my grandad before so i dont know what he looks like but when i was on my own in the dark i saw a white oulining of my grandad but just before that i kept having dreams about him of what he looks like even though i didnt know so i knew it was him by the appearance and he walked towards me and smiled then walked away and dissapeared just like that ive never seen him since but i have heard him a few times

  22. nope

  23. I've never experienced anything paranormal, or atleast anything I can't class as me being to paranoid and letting my imagination get ahead of me.

  24. well i live close to a village called borley where the church i think is meant to be one of the most haunted places in britain the rectory was too before it burnt down like 100 years ago or something, anyway i noticed i was running through there and i felt fine, i had a good pace and my breathing was relatively calm but suddenly when i reached the church  i was really struggling to keep my breath and i got a stitch and my legs ached, sure enough when i was a little further down the road i felt ok again, i dont know if its to do with ghosts but thats never happened to me before

  25. I have seen a lot and heard a lot

    I've seen an old man under a bed who did not look nice mind you (I wasn't super young either)

    When I was younger I was at a friend's house and there was a stable where a horse had lived and it was accidently killed by a hunter before my friend had moved there - and we went out to the stable and heard a horse snorting so we went in and ther wasn't anything but the horse was still snorting and the hay on the floor was being kicked up.

    My basement:

    I was in my basement with my sister and we were playing with some toys we kept down there when a woman wearing a dark blue dress appeared and started walking toward us... we ran away because we don't think she really wanted us there.

    I've seen things in the road and thought I would hit them but they weren't there.

    I'vce heard voices in my house.

    My mom had something lay on top of her when she was sleeping and she could hear the breathing in her ear (it wasn't my dad)

    we had a toy that would always turn on randomly so my dad took the batterries out of it... and it still turned on all the time. It sang some kids song.

    My mom and dad were asleep one morning when they heard a crashing noise so they came out of their room to see what it was and they found our remote control car slamming back and forth into our walls.

    so they looked around to see if it was me or one of my sisters and the remote was sitting right behind them and no one was doing it.

    That's enough stories :D lol

    Hope I helped!

  26. no, i feel that ghost are a dulision of the mind when u feel scared. for example:

    when ur in a "huanted house" and ur getting freaked out. Ur almost wanting to see a ghost beaause it would be kool to see and the house is "haunted".  :]

  27. Yes, and it wasn't pleasant. The one that sticks out in my mind the most is Alice, around 16, blondish light brown hair. Golden I guess. Dark eyes, frozen in fear and sadness. It was just below shoulder length and wavy at the top but towards the bottom was curly. She was dressed in a 1940ish dress, like Maia's from 4400. Here's that bad part. She was lynched and her hair was dirty and matted. Poor thing was beaten then hanged. I don't know why, but it broke my heart. Poor girl was barefoot and never got a proper burial.

    The worst is when I saw a little boy. He was dressed in a white shirt, black pants. He was from the 1800's or early 1900's. He couldn't find his Momma because they were separated during the fire. He got lost on the way to the light so he stayed put. Poor baby, he eventually found it after following me for a few days. He had a stuffed, ratty gray bunny with him. God love him, poor dear. Well, those two are the ones that stick out in my mind the most.

    FYI, I don't do drugs. I take allergy meds and thats it and none have hallucinogenic side affects. I've been to a shrink. I'm not crazy, annoyed that I can't sleep because I'm never alone, but that's pretty much it. Take it or leave it...

  28. no, but certain things fall in my house

  29. i remeber sitting downstairs on my own and wacthing tv in the kicthen the kettle came on this was about half 1 in the murnin this has happend before to other family mebers but i wasnt scared just was like whos downstairs kind of thing

  30. I once glimpsed a white figure walking alongside me while I was out walking the dog

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