
Have you ever seen anyone...?

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Have you ever seen anyone wipe out on a bike? If so what happened? Did you ride right after you saw it?




  1. Low speed on a 250 Enduro. Over the bars with a girl on the back and tore the muscles in my left back and shoulder. 4 weeks no riding. Low speed in a parking lot with the same girl on a CB 450. I slid it out from under us in gravel. We were both standing there watching the bike slide away. Didn't even fall down. Low speed turning around. I forgot to downshift into low and when I let the clutch out the bike fell on it's side. Left me standing there with traffic coming up behind me. Embarrassing moments to say the least. ALMOST when a bumble bee flew up the sleeve of my jumpsuit and nailed me from the wrist all the way to the a$$. Same chick with me. I left her hold the bike up and I dropped my covers down to my ankles "searching" for the intruder. Cars passing and I'm standing in a puddle of cloth with nothing on but my drawers! She was laughing her a$$ off! She'll still ride if I ask her to though.

  2. I have seen quite a few people go down over the years.  Last summer I saw a guy die from hitting a tree- no helmet.  He was alive and consense for a few minutes but died before an ambulance got there, he also lost his foot but a friend of mine who was riding with us is a first responder and used her belt as a torniquet.  He was going towards us, too fast of a corner enterance speed and hit his breaks, the crash and it's results actually made me sick and puke.  I still think about that every so often and feel bad for his family, even though I didn't know him.  We rode to my house and cleaned up afterwards and I rode soon afterwards but still can see it in my minds eye when I go past where it happened, it happened on my favorite road.

    I have seen a few other minor dumps from varius different reasons that only required basic first aid and everyone laughs about them afterwards.  Here are a few of the reasons.  Two different guys have lost their bikes entering gravel driveways.  My best friend dumps gong to get gas on a little gravel that was kicked up onto the enterance at a low speed, no real harm just a bent lever and broken peg.  One guy hit a dog.  Many guys dumped thier bikes learning wheelies and stoppies, no one got too hurt.  Way too many dirtbike crashes by alot of different people, myself included.  Heck I spent most of a summer lying on my back with about half my body in different casts when I hit a tree a 14.  I have seen two guys biff it launching thier bikes at the strip.  One guys lost his dresser because he said it ran out of gas pulling away from a stoplight, I was in my Jeep and helped him pick it up.  The other weekend an older guy dumped his fat boy trying to do a burnout after bar close, alot of reasons why that happened.

    This stuff happens just as people crash cars, do your best to be careful and ride within your own limits and you should be alright.

  3. I didn't see myself wipe out, but I felt it, LOL.

    and when I went riding with my friend Tim, I watched him wipe out...

    I rode him over to the hospital on my bike...

    we were running around some twisty roads, and he came around a sweeper at almost full tilt (1/4" chicken strips), the corner tightened up, and when he tried to tilt in further, he lost the back tire traction (wasn't moving around in the seat to turn)

    his bike hit the ditch and pretty much stopped, he hit the ditch, broke his leg, flew into the air and landed flat on his back in the middle of the road...blew a chunk out of the back of his helmet...

    I pushed his bike up into the woods there, he got up, climbed on the back of my bike, and said "take me to the hospital"

    if he were wearing boots, he probably wouldn't have had any major injuries...(broke right above ankle)

  4. Whats the point of this question.

    Anyone who races has been down tons of times.

    I've done two front flips over the handlebars, and my own bike ran me over. I was wearing full gear and was standing back up wondering what the h**l happened before my bike even stopped skidding off the ground.

  5. i have seen it as well as done it ,and still got back on and rode first time I took him to the hospital , as for mine I got up picked up the bike rode on into work and straightened out my right side foot peg which was bent ,took myself to the doctors next day and found out I had fractured my left ankle after surgery to put in 2 titanium screws and 5 weeks in a cast I got back on and still ride 2 hours everyday

  6. Actually i have. Me and my friend where walking and this guy rode by use really fast, trying to be 'cool'. He went to turn a corner and he completely fell of and slide on his face. He swore, looked around to see who saw, and then jumped back on his bike and left. We saw him the next day with a ton of bruises (: haha; i felt bad, but it was extremely funny.

  7. d**n, offense, but hope i'm never riding when you're around.  

    I lost my bike in a corner once, it was snowing and a bit icey, so I was going pretty slow.  Only broke a piece of plastic and bent the shifter lever, was able to get back on and ride home.  Only seen the after math of a few other wrecks.  Just gotta keep on riding and don't dwell on the negatives.

  8. I saw it first hand when I took a rut on the backside of a 55 foot step-up.  I was riding a YZF450, jetted, piped, and tuned.  It was a wreck afterwards, but I walked away with just broken ribs and hurt pride.

  9. yeah, but it was real low speed.  a buddy of mine went to pull over, he was going to fast and braking too hard when he hit the gravel shoulder and went down.  he was alright, plastics on his bike got busted up a bit, and the brake or clutch, can't remember, had to be bent back.  

    magz, how would boots protect a broken leg?  an ankle maybe, unless it was way down by his ankle?

  10. snoop,give the poor guy his nipple were thinking of arlene

  11. I never actually saw it happen but I cleaned up the resulting mess quite a few times.

    No, it didn't stop me from riding.

  12. Yes a few. First time the guy was literally split in half and DOA. It involved the old style guard rail. Saw a nother guy get hit and was drug for about 200 feet, He spent a couple weeks in the hospital. Last Tuesday I saw a guy get hit by a car as he was pulling out. The girl in the car just changed lanes without looking. He walks away. Last Thursday I was hit from behind,. Sitting at a stoplight. Light turned green I started to take off, and the next thing I see is blue sky. Limped the bike home, rode to SC the following day. $4000.00 in damages, being fixed right now.

  13. if i go out motocrossing, i can't think of a time i haven't wiped out and/or had buddies hit the dirt.  haven't witnessed a streetbike wipeout before though.... but i do have a friend who now has 1 nipple after hitting a 4x4 post across his lane and skidding to a stop from 60mph

    seen plenty of low speed dumps at sturgis though

  14. I have carried them to the hospital before

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