
Have you ever seen anything paranormal...?

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maybe a ghost or monster,ball of light...anything?




  1. yes it seems almost every job i get the supervisor turns out to be a minion of the Anti christ its quite bothersome

    I am waiting for something good from another dimension to help me. May sound sarcastic but i'm speaking the truth

  2. Paranormal phenomena are self-contradictory.  They do not exist.

    Apply Occam's Razor and get on with your life.

  3. Nope.

    My view of the world is based on a natural perspective.

  4. Kriss, its such a shame that some of the people in the world , can not be more open minded, instead of having just tunnel vision , when you look only for what you expect, you see what you only expect.  Open your mind as I know you do and I  am very proud of you for this. But, really look, you'll find that its a whole different World that you can see.  Oh yes! their are so many fakes out there, I can only imagine what God, has planned for them in their Judgment. Kriss, youll find a lot of people whom will put you down for your most interesting questions that I find to be very sincere and with merritt. It's  Those that do put down the most gifted and talented. You will find that these people have no knowlege whats so-ever because they were born only to see black and white and will not except that there our possibilites out there for this subject only bores them.  Not all people were meant to be born with the ability to see beyond the Norm.  And by saying that we would be in a better world if they would leave their minds open to the possibilies, that all people are not  born to see or feel the same as some of the most intuitives in our world .  So, I don't even bother,getting in to a debate with these types as you could never change their minds as their minds are at a lower level than ours, even the most highest and most educated minds, are the ones that will not comprehend, such a possibility. And for that, being said this is why we have a world devided. Certainly not in unity with one as a whole in which God, expects.of us all to try to become, in order to love.   So, do not get into big debates with these types, as they will always be right and you will always be wrong.  This is just why when some one ask me whats it like being paranormal, and I am speaking of the ones whom are only trying to hurt your feelings, I just come back at them and say ! ( well, being  paranormal, and Normal, surely beats the heck out of being abnormal) This will most likely shut them up for the mere reasons they only see in their way!! My what an empty and boring life we would live in if God, didnt put people of an intuitive nature to truly see beyond the Norm.  So, keep searching, and asking all your questions in this subject, as it truly  tells people and not fakes but true people like even myself, that your truly trying to find a way to incorprate what you do to only help those that can not help themselfs.  And , also remember, that one of those persons that you do help or save their lifes, were the ones who had put you and all down for their abilites that God,did send you here for a purpose to help, and nuture , dont be surprised if one day those that have put you down in the past  will some day make their way to your door for your help~~                                                       God Loves you and so do I

  5. yes

  6. Yes, i have seen demons, ghost, and evil spirits. If you wish for details send me a message and i will tell you.

  7. every morning when i look in the mirror .. just visiting this planet ,,

  8. Last week, i was going home. it was quite dark, and i was really

    tired, so i can't guarantee 100% it was what i thought i saw.


    As i was walking (my house is near the cementary)

    there was that van parked nearby.And, between the two tyres,

    i saw something exactly like cigarette's smoke.

    I stood there for almost 4 seconds.Then it vanished.

    I got a bit closer,trying to figure out whether there was a cigarette or anything that could produce smoke.

    I found nothing....


    and, almost 5 years ago, I was having a shower and when i finished, i pulled the curtain to get a towel. I saw exactly the same thing...

    i really dont know what it was, or where it came from, or if it is from my imagination... :S

  9. I seen a UFO,,it looked like a giant slow moving meteor

    it was a big red ball and it just cruised over the tree tops eerily slow and disappeared over the horizon

    I'll never forget it ,it was weird

    as for ghost sightings,the science channel says most are caused by magnetic sensitivity in the brain that causes hallucinations,some people are hyper sensitive.

    supporting evidence is that most sighting occur around large granite deposits/structures and large power lines

  10. Yes. Ghosts (defined as a visual apparition of a human form that could not be located upon searching).

  11. Not yet

  12. Actually, I'm sure I saw Hillary Clinton's head turn completely around as she was facing forward. It happened when she was being questioned by Tim Russert.

  13. I get lots of unexplainable orbs in the pics I take at work...also had some weird experiences in Tombstone.

  14. my friend and I were in the cemetery on halloween and we both saw different misty clouds. I can't really describe it/

  15. I have seen a few unexplained phenomena. One time, at night, I had placed my shoes beside my bed . I could not find them in my bedroom. They turned up beside the front door . No one could have been playing a joke on me . I am an extremely light sleeper and would have woken up if someone came in to get them. I and my daughters firmly believe the house was haunted.

  16. I ONCE Saw a little Devils Hat you used to wear`??

  17. Yes one time I was driving and I saw someone in the rearview mirror, sitting in the back seat. Slammed on my breaks, turned around and no one was there. I almost had a heart attack. It didn't feel like anything bad though, just weird.

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