
Have you ever sneezed in....?

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your dogs face, not on purpose, but by accident...I just did and Ayla ****** her head to the side like she wanted to say WTF was that for...but she got me back..sneezed in my face

nummy, boxer "windex"




  1. Well, I dont know about "in your face"...but in a dog's body language, a small sneeze or yawn can mean "hey, calm down, I thought we were just playing a game"....You will get the sneeze or yawn when you are scolding him or her for something and they totaly don't get it. They know you are angry, but not about what.

    So you told her to "calm down" and she was all like "Me calm down? How about YOU calm down!"

  2. No, but they get me all the time. Lovely of them to share!  

  3. No but that's funny your dog did that. Dogs are so cute.

  4. HAHAHAHA My sister did that to my dog, and my dog barked at her(said DUDE what the c**p!!!), then ran away, came back and sneezed in her face!!!! hahaha i love my pitbull!

  5. Lucy seems to have it out for me ever since I sneezed in her face when she was a puppy and scared the beejesus outta her. She always sits right next to me right before a big sneeze and I'd be willing to bet that she purposely aims at my face.

  6. no but if you p**s my puppy off she will f**t next to you and leave and omg it smells like c**p

  7. Ha! I did this to my dog Tanner the other day and he promptly licked me! It wouldn't have been so bad except, that I REALLY needed a kleenex - if you get my drift.  

  8. No, but I have sneezed on them.

    Penny got all grumpy, gave me an "I dont' believe you did that" look, and ran off.

    She's a little ray of sunshine.


  9. umm no i havent

  10. Yes I have, You are supposed to say ' Excuse me ' Then you will be forgiven.

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