
Have you ever taken charlie?

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  1. My friend died taking Cocaine.

    I have never, and would never.

  2. If I am correct you mean cocaine, the old Columbian Marching Dust. Yes I Have In my youth, and believe me its a waste of time and money. My friends got hooked on the stuff but i saw the light after taking it just twice. My advice to you is steer clear, for the sake of your health and you wallet or purse strings...... Its a mugs game getting hooked on that c**p... You look like you need a good wash all the time and you smell like c**p....... Good luck in your future pursuit

  3. a brain hemorrhage waiting to happen,

    my friend dropped dead at 25 while visiting his mom of a brain hemorrhage, they did say it was definitely down to his abuse of cocaine and amphetamines.

    i bet he would never have touched it had he known what was going to happen!!

  4. Not knowingly.

  5. Yes, many times.  Its an expensive recreational drug that causes you to feel highly confident and really does lower your inhibitions.  

    When snorted it can leave a bad taste at the back of your throat and lead to nausea.  That happened to me and thankfully put me off ever wanting to do it again.  

    I am not a hypocrite and wont tell you that you should never try it but I must point out that it is a highly expensive and serves no useful purpose.  If you have money to throw away try a vacation to somewhere exotic instead.  Guarantee you'll get more from the vacation.

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