
Have you experienced this

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You get stuck between the state of sleep and wakefulness. Your mind wakes up and you sometimes open your eyes, but your body is paralyzed. You feel as if you are being electrocuted (sp?). You try to scream for someone to help you but you are powerless in your attempts to control your own body.

Is this a common thing? It happens to me a lot. What could be the cause...?




  1. You are experiencing nightmares - happened to me few times and I can't control my body! It was really hard to move! I was screaming but there's no voice coming out!  

  2. weird, that never happens to me.

  3. The japanese call it sleep paralysis. It's supposedly when you are possessed by an evil spirit but there is a medical explanation for it which I think I saw on House once but at this point completely escapes me.




  4. oh my gosh i went through this for so many years until i was told they were called night terrors do you ever feel scared? but you don't know why? Mine almost got to the point where i had to go see a specialist. Do you wake up and go back to sleep often? Look up night terrors on Google, they say it happens a lot to children but im 27 and i still sometimes experience it. THEY are horrible you did a good job of explaining them, most people would just tell me i was just having a nightmare but there different.

  5. dont put your hand on your chest when u go to sleep,

    if u get enough oxygen ....nothing like that will ahppen.

  6. i stuck stuck between sleep and wakefullness soemtimes. and its like my body jumps. and i feel like im asleep but still dreaming? and i cant control my body ... and like if the radio or the tv is on. when i wake up i think i dreamed what i heard and it kind of creeps me out, cause someytimes its like i dreamed the news and predicted things. this def make sme sound crazy haha

    but like i dream that teh gas went down 10 cents.

    and i wake up and it did.

    lol its funny to me now,

  7. This sounds like an anxiety dream.

    But with me, it's usually someone knocking at the door. I force myself to wake up, answer the door, and realize I'm still asleep. And the knocking continues. And I keep trying to wake myself up.

    Same sort of thing. These unhappy nuisances are common, especially among lucid dreamers who are stressed out.

    Sweet dreams for you, and I hope these go away. I find a shot of a good single malt Scotch or decaff green tea usually helps.

  8. Yes I have, but I can't recall if it was real or a dream but I have definitely experienced it. I think it is called sleep paralysis and my brother was telling a wonderful story about it and his ex-girlfriend. She started getting sleep paralysis after seeing my brother and her mom supposedly could "see things" and said if she continued to see my brother bad things would happen to her. One day my brother stayed over and the next day she woke up with scratch marks on her chest. She said a demon is following my brother lol, I wouldn't be surprised but I figure her to be a nutcase.  

  9. it had happened to me once...

    it could be aliens o_O

    my mom told me that in korean culture it is seen as a SPIRIT pressing down on your body...

    i tried to scream for help but i couldn't even open my eyes or move at all, it took me 3 minutes to rasp out a weak

    maybe you should try sleeping with someone (:

  10. honestly I have no idea how to help you there. It sounds like it may be something you should talk to you're doctor about. It may be some type of seizure because I have heard similar, but not exact, stories like this and they ended up having a type of siezure.

  11. I have never heard of it. I recommend seeing a neurologists.

  12. It is called Sleep Paralysis, and it is much more common than you may think.

    It can be a terrifying experience; I know I suffered from sleep paralysis as a child, and it often feels like the episode goes on for an hour, when in reality only a few minutes actually pass. If you can, try counting the seconds in your head, it can help calm you, and can be reassuring to keep track of how much time has actually passed.

    There is no real known cause of sleep paralysis. It happens during REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement sleep stage), and the natural body paralysis that you experience in this stage persists, even though you wake up.

    Often people suffer hallucinations during the episodes as well.

    If it is causing you distress consult your doctor, they may be able to prescribe you a benzodiazepine (sp) derivative, which should help you sleep better!

    Good luck, and you're definitely not alone!

  13. It is common and no cause for alarm.

  14. Wow this sounds rather creepy. If this really does happen a lot and you really have no control over your body, you might be experiencing the first symptoms of a disease or something. Talk to your parents about it. I think you shoud really get an all-round health check.

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