
Have you got any hangover cures?

by  |  earlier

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I went out last night and am still feeling a little ropey but not too bad. I'm goin to the pub later, just for the pub quiz I'm not going to be drinking alcohol tonight. But just wondered if you guys had any tips or whatever that may make me feel a bit better. Please no disgusting concotions or whatever, I may just puke




  1. I drink in the after a hangover so it wont effect me as much.

  2. drink irn bru and have a fish supper.... that always works for me!

  3. go to and see how to hack a hangover worcks very good

  4. A hangover is from 'brain" dehydration. (The humor around your brain gets an imbalance.) Your entire neural system is low on water. Drink lots of WATER for two hours and later have a hot tea. (not herbal) The hot tea will boost some of that hydration into you with antioxidants added. Other complex liquids will slow down the flow of water and your recovery with it.

    To avoid the next anvil try to down at least a cup of water before falling asleep drunk. ... Good luck.

  5. Take aspirin BEFORE you drink.  Does the trick for me.

  6. No... I dont have any "cures"... I find with me if I eat a nice sized healthy meal for all meals of the day and then take a nice long relaxing bath that I feel considerably better.

  7. Have some coke or other fizzy drink and a fry up.  This always perks me up

  8. Stay drunk.

  9. Water, sleep & a cold pack for the head.

  10. Greasy food and gatoraide!!!  

  11. sleep it off for about 4 hours and drink lots of water!!!!

  12. billy wizz would work if you havent work 2moro

  13. only way to kill a hangover is the old addage....."hair of the dog that bit ya"....when I was a drinking man I'd sit a beer on the table by my bed, turn off the alarm and grab the beer and drink it freakin' hangover!!!!! The guy above me is way wrong!! Drink a lot of water for a hangover and you'll feel drunk all over again!

  14. take some vitamin B, eat some salty food and drink a bunch of water

  15. Don't ever drink again, best cure ever!

  16. Have another drink.

  17. Another a drink. Tops it up, you'll feel miles better.


  18. pasta is supposed to soak up the alcohol and also leave you feeling refreshed. Bread and eggs are also supposed to help. Otherwise you've just got to sit it out

  19. coffee and a bacon sandwich always helps me!

  20. 7-11 Slurpee, any flavor you like... it'll fix you right up!

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