
Have you got someone Special?

by Guest60994  |  earlier

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If you could only see one person for the rest of your life(and I'm talking just talking to them, not dating), who would it be and why?




  1. Dylan. He's sweet, and funny. Just a lot of fun to talk to =)

  2. My boyfriend Dimitri. He is my best friend first nd foremost he is like my other half.

  3. Oh's so hard to choose! Anyone of my contacts, I would be thrilled..especially you, dear..I love you and you have made all that I am going through now a little easier with your humor and fun. I appreciate it more than you know. Hugs!

    Love, Haley

  4. I don't know, i haven't met that person yet!

    Answer plz:;...  

  5. David!!

  6. I would love to see you for the rest of my life,the reason is easy,because you so beautiful and awesome,and i love you darling.

  7. i definatley want my guy right now forever we've been dating 5yrs. but i also think thats a tough question. there are  millions of people out there and lots that i'm sure you'd want to see forever. what matters is when you find someone really special that you adore and click with to hang on to it. you never know when something real good will happen again and if you keep looking it would take a lifetime

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