
Have you had success on Nutramigen?

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My 5 week old son cannot digest breast milk. He has severe gas and acid reflux. It has been 48 hours since we have had him on the formula. Has anyone else had a similar experience? If so, did the Nutramigen work for you? How long did it take before you saw improvements?




  1. My daughter refused to eat it, She took one sip and wouldn't drink another bottle for the whole day. The doctor said that that wasn't rare because it is disgusting. You can try it but don't push it. It takes a couple weeks for it to get into the system and push all the other stuff out. If that doesn't work there is tons of other formula out there to try. Good luck. My daughter has acid reflux and suffered from severe gas at that age to so if you need any other suggestions or anything just let me know. FORMULA FEEDING IS PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE AND CREATES PERFECTLY HEALTHY AND HAPPY BABIES!

  2. Worked like a dream for us. Our daughter was formula fed after a week of breastfeeding that didn't work for either of us -- we started her on the regular Enfamil and she got really constipated and was always inconsolably fussy for hours. We were to the point of walking up and down the hallway with her for hours at night just to keep her from screaming. She had the same thing too - severe gas and reflux. If we could get her to toot, at least she would feel better for a little while. She was constantly spitting up her formula too (projectilely), so we took her to the doctor. He reccomended the Nutramigen. Within a week, she was an angel again.

    It was funny - my husband and I were at our wit's end with the constant screaming and we felt terrible that she felt so terrible. So my mom said that she could come stay with us for a while. Well my husband went to pick her up (a 10 hour drive round trip), and the day after she got here it had been exactly a week from when we started the Nutramigen.... and we looked like the biggest WUSSES who could not handle this little sweet smiley bundle........................ the formula change had kicked in and worked great.

    The price of such a little can is horrifying, but worth every cent in our opinion.

  3. It didnt work for my daughter. I used alimuntem which worked great

  4. please reconsider breastfeeding as it is really rare to be allergic to breastmilk. try an elimination diet before you change to any formula. please google it to see what you need to exactly do. some babies are really sensitive to what you eat. good luck.

  5. Nutramigen and Alimentum work great for most babies. If neither of those work, there's Neocate, which my son drinks. Neocate is crazy expensive and works for 99% of babies. It's also sometimes covered by insurance.

    Have you tried an elimination diet? It can be tough, but  if you know what it is that baby can't tolerate, then it's a breeze. My daughter is breast fed and I'm avoiding 7 of the top 8 allergens.

    Excellent website/support group:

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