
Have you heard of Article V?

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Article V of the Constitution of the United States provides that "on the application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, [Congress] shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments...". The Founding Fathers of our nation recognized the importance of providing this means by which the citizens of our country could initiate amendments to change and/or clarify the Constitution; the fundamental document which they intended to be not only the blueprint for our federal system but also "the supreme Law of the Land".

Despite the fact that ALL 50 state legislatures have submitted 567 applications (far in excess of the two-thirds requirement) requesting a convention call, Congress has ignored its constitutionally mandated duty.

Why are the majority of American citizens willing to bend over and take their corporate sponsored suppository while the government pisses all over our constitution?




  1. Because they were not all submitted at the same time and/or on the same subject. Since the Constitution does not establish certain details like amount of time before one expires, it is up to Congress and the Courts to sort it out.

  2. What issue in the constitution are you referring to that needs to be amended?

  3. Thanks for providing the info. I'll have to take a closer look.

  4. What convention call?  You are referring to

    Frinds of the Article V convention.

    From what I gather, they think that their state representative could come up with better admendment for our constitution than the power hungry , greedy, idiots running our Congress.

    I don't think that any state has that good of a bunch of politicians.  Now if they all agreed for me to re-write the consitution, I could get behind that.

    We do not need any more admendments.  We need to repeal the patriot Act and get a better selection of Congressmen and women in office as well as a better president.

    Our Constitution has taken several hits that should be rectified, but that is not going to happen until we get more active in choosing our elected officials.   We need to forget about preserving seniority and elect people who actually want to do the best for our country instead of for themselves and their favorite businesses and banks.

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