
Have you heard this one ?

by  |  earlier

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Mrs. O'Malley went into the pharmacy, walked right up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, 'I would like to buy some cyanide.' The pharmacist asked, 'Why in the world do you need cyanide?' Mrs. O'Malley replied calmly, 'I need it to poison my husband.'

The pharmacist's eyes almost popped as he exclaimed, 'Lord have mercy, Mrs. O'Malley! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband! That's against the law! I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!'

Mrs. O'Malley reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife. The pharmacist looked at the picture and replied,

'Well now. That's different. You didn't tell me you had a prescription.




  1. LOL Good One.

  2. No i haven't.. but im gonna use it alot now! thanks!!!!!!!!! :) XXXXXX

  3. I am chuckling aloud on this one.  

  4. haha :)

  5. =] lol

  6. Really a good one and humorous one.

  7. lol funnier everytime

  8. hahahahahaha good one

  9. Good one!!

  10. LOL - funny.  Thanks!

  11. I like it lol. Can't stop laughing now lol.

  12. i like it; good one (:


  13. coulda used that Rx a few years bak .........well done m8

  14. i like it alot.

  15. hehehe!!! oohhh hhahahahahHA!!!!!!! eek! that's funnt :D

  16. lol :D

  17. lol haha!

  18. lol 2 people laughing here. where do you get a prescription for that? not that i need it now...

  19. That's a great one.

  20. And then, as the pharmacist was giving her the cyanide, cops poured into the pharmacy.  It was a sting!  While the kinky O'Malley couple went off for another threesome with the pharmacist's wife (who do you think took the picture?), they cuffed the pharmacist and read him his rights.  As he was being led into the police car, one of the officers said, "Smile!  You're on Candid Camera!"

  21. Yup,at my age I've heard them all

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