
Have you lived in a Foyer?

by  |  earlier

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...Or other type of supported housing for young people? Been offered a place in one. Someone I know went for a job interview there once and said the actual building itself and the self contained flats are nice, you only share with one other person etc. But wondering what people's actual experiences are, worried its going to be really rough and horrible.





  1. Well, if Harry Potter can live in a closet, you can live in a foyer.  Now just suck it up and wait for Hagrid to come save you (if it were only that easy).

    Anyhow, I've never had an experience so like this but if there is enough space it may be fine.  If you end up hating your roommate it may end up in disaster.  Anyhow if thats the best deal around may as well give it a shot, hopefully though you can move in with a short term lease - just in case.

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