
Have you seen a ghost? (Seriously?)?

by  |  earlier

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Please describe your encounter. Thanks.




  1. Not really a ghost. but i do think i saw an angel once,,,

    When i was younger there was this old house i wanted to explore. The day i set to explore it(i was 8 at the time) i got past the fence and started to enter the house. Then an old man dressed in white said my name. If i was thinking i would have thought "who is he and how does he know my name? or How did he get here?"

    Anyway he reminded me that my parents told me to keep away from the house and that i had better listen to them or i would be in alot of trouble. figuring that i was caught i went to go home. after i exited the fence and walked half way across the house the whole thing collapsed.

    If i had not listened i would/could have been crushed..

    anyway that is my story.

  2. Yes. Seriously. Last night. My nan. She looked cross and I asked her if she was in any pain (she died of cancer) she said no, she held out her hand to me, I took it and then she said I have to go now..I was so upset, I wanted to ask her more. I wasnt scared but extremley shocked, very shocked and had to blink loads of times to make sure I wasnt seeing things.

  3. Yes, and too many to mention.

  4. yes.

    I was walking home though the local haunted forest where the teenagers were killed and a ghost appeared infront of me.

    I was scared at first then the ghost said "dont be afraid " .... I was relieved... then the ghost said "just give me your wallet and no one gets hurt"

    I said "what does a ghost need my wallet for?"

    the ghost said "dont ask questions, just cough it up *%cker!"

    I said "seriously, what does a ghost need a wallet for?"

    he said "look, I just need the money okay, for ghost stuff, now give me your wallet"

    I said "well, I dont carry money"

    the ghost said "really?"

    I said "yah, I only carry a credit card and, well, to be honest I could give you that but I will just report it stolen tommorow, so you wont really be able to do much with it"

    the ghost said "credit card? what is cre-deet-car-d"

    I said "you know, like a drivers liscence that you use to buy things"

    then the ghost said "man, Ive been dead for a while havent I?"

  5. Not yet

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