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Gov. Arnold S. has just thrown down the glove and said we are tired of waiting for the federal government to take environmental issues seriously, and it is time for individual states to take charge of the issue. AMEN! let's get it going.

checkout this web site:

21 other governors are supportive of this movement. How long to you think it will take for the rest to get on board, and do you think that this will force the federal gov. to wake up and smell the organic coffee?




  1. Well the environment is now on peoples mind. Just look how many questions on here are about global warming. This is a big ticket item now. If you want to be elected or stay elected you need to have an environmental policy...This is good finally the most important component is being addressed.... without environment u have nothing.. Its just too bad a federal government couldn't take the first step... but yeah its a good idea

  2. I wish I lived in California.

    I hope that states do take matters into their own hands.  The current president doesn't give a hoot about the environment, obviously.  I don't want to have to wait until 2008. Let's do something now!

  3. one of the best governors out there

  4. Good stuff, America is seriously lacking on doing much towards reducing emissions, the same with Australia. It's about time you all got your act together!

  5. No, I have not, but it is about time that someone gets the gonads to say something, I wonder though if he plans to follow through with his intentions, and if the people are ready to sacrifice and be stallwart advocates of his philosophies.

  6. The only answer to our environment problems is more capitalism and private property ownership. It has been proven time and again that the best stewards of the environment is capitalism and private property owners.  The Communists of Russia, China, Cuba and eastern Europe have demonstrated what happens when Socialist control property and government.  The environmental disasters that are spread through out these countries are a stark testament to what government can destroy.  The US has the best record of responsible industry and cleaning up the messes we have made than any other country. I have traveled to these countries and the toxic landscapes the Socialist have left in their wake is staggering in both the size and the cost to clean this up, and the cost to the local populations.

  7. hopefully the next president

  8. given that california had mandated zero emmission vehicles back in the 80s, resulting in cars like the RAV4ev & GMEV1, that couldn't meet demand.

    and that was overturned by the powers that support the white house, leading to the CRUSHING of all said ev1s, despite owners wanting to keep them, don't expect any great change of direction anytime soon

    we dont need to wait for hydrogen

    the trouble with capitalism is that the people who own the resources (90% of resources are owned by <5% of people) don't live locally and don't suffer the effects of unsustainable polluting practices, see Legacy of Luna, Julia Butterfly Hill.

  9. I absolutely agree that states, and even local governments should take the initiative in this and almost every other issue.  This is the way our system is supposed to work, and the federal government should keep its nose out of our business.  Federal programs and mandates are almost always disasters.

  10. At the moment, there is more profit to be earned from industry that destroys the environment than in measures that preserve the environment.  Since our nation is one of the most capitalistic if not the most capitalistic, the incentive is making money, not social and environmental changes that cost money.  Sad, but true.  And, way to go Governator!
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