
Have your tastes and interests?

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changed as you age, or they the same as when you were younger?

Mine seem to have stayed pretty much the same. I have always been a tomboy, Love horses and animals, music has not changed, and not much has changed. Maybe my tolerance. I am less tolerant. hahah




  1. I have changed and I like myself a lot better.....I don't let things or people bother me. If you're not someone I care about I really don't care what you think.

    However I still love to read, watch old movies, sit on the porch with my husband during a thunder-storm.....and enjoy a few bottles of wine & some gossip with my 4 sisters.

  2. I am 56. Still mostly the same. The internet has made possible to learn more things, about more things.

  3. I have always been easy going and carefree and as the years go on I become more easy going and carefree. I am more patient with some things and less patient with other things. My favorite thing to do these days is to go fishing.

  4. Mine have changed a lot, mostly because I try not to make a big deal out of everything anymore, and only the most important things have remained.

  5. .My taste in men has not changed (I am happy in my marriage and don't fool around). I still like the same foods as well as new ones. My temper is not as sharp as it use to be, the blade has dulled some what. I know I have changed but in some way I am still the same if that makes sense.   Poppy

  6. Mine have remained pretty much the same.

  7. You know the old saying IF I KNEW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW things would be different. My attitude has change thanks to prozac it makes getting through good or bad easier. My taste have changed and my dreams to. The things I wanted to do when I was young my husband thought they were dumb and now he wants to do the same things and I think are dumb they just don't seem to be important anymore like redo our vows, take a cruse nah don't interest me anymore but Iam happy with my little prozac pill we can do anything. have a great day.

  8. Mine are pretty much the same.

  9. everyone is unique in their own way..........anything really can cause you to change tastes. I am 16 now and when I was younger I use to be annoying but changed and became more patient, fearless, and less talkative and realized more things in life.

  10. I am a totally different person.  I like who I have become.  I am way more tolerant lol

  11. That is a very interesting question, id like to know your age. Im 49 and yes i agree with you i have kept pretty much the same in regards to many things, like you my tolerance has lessened lol i dont suffer fools easily, but the music i listen to is the same, you cant beat the 70's and 80's music, my ideals are pretty much the same, i try to treat people as i like to be treated, but one thing has changed back to when i was yonger, after my marriage broke down, she left me for some rich guy, so now i dont seem to have relationships, but i like to go out with different women and have a much better s*x life.... by the way what are you doing tonite?

  12. They are still pretty much they same. They have grown and expanded through the years though. There are so many more varieties to choose from now days than there were when we were younger !

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