
Having problems with girlfriend!!!!!!! Please help?

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I have a buddy that has been going out with this girl for about a year. He is in total love with her and would do anything for her although he does not let the leash out very far if you know what i mean.... He is always with her, even if she goes out with her friends. We have told him that he needs to let her have her fun and does not always have to be with her. Well I guess she has not been in the mood for love making and it is about to drive him crazy. He thinks he is going to loose her and does not know what to do. He was planning on asking her to marry him in October... What should he do? He is 25 and I think she is 26. Thanks




  1. ahhhhh she is afraid to admit it she doesnt want to intill u get mariied

  2. tell him to m********e for awhile and give her some space...

  3. let the leash out!! he might want to casually bring up marriage to her and see what her views are before he asks her. if she isnt in to love making there may be somthing wrong. coming from a girls point of view; find out whats wrong before it gets out of hand. i wouldnt rush into anything though. i wish your friend the best of luck

  4. Forget her, and buy a dog. He, the girl, and the dog will all be happier.  

  5. asking her to marry doesn't seem wise. he needs to work on his insecurities. marriage will only make his worries worse..

  6. Sounds like they BOTH need to grow-up more and get more MATURITY under their belts!  I'm thinking this is YOU you're referring to, also.  But. . .whatever!  Neither sounds ready for marriage right now!

  7. i think she should say no.

  8. Well, first off he should hold off on asking her to marry him until this is solved. It will just make things worse if they marry now. First, he needs to back off and let her do her stuff alone. Have faith in her a bit. Right now all he is doing is making her hate him. I have seen this and it is a big breaker. If he wants to keep her, he needs to talk to her before it is too late. Telling her that he won't smother her. Have him make out a night or two...whatever to just have them two go out or have a special night together. The other times she can hang out with her friends without him and he can hang out with his friends without her. COMPROMISE.  

  9. he literally needs to put a collar and leash around her neck to restrict her freedom. If my chick steps out of line I choke her with my bare hands  

  10. He should take a deep breath and realize that she needs time to be alone with her friends so that she can complain about him.  He needs to realize that it isn't so much that she doesn't want to have s*x..........she just doesn't want to have s*x with him.  He needs to understand that he isn't GOING to lose her........he's already lost her.  He thinks that she is the perfect girl for him.  He's wrong.  She thinks she can do better than him and find someone who will make her happy.  She's wrong. You can't get in the way of their learning process here.  So you need to take a deep breath and stand back out of the way while they handle this on their own.

  11. tell him that if he doesnt give her space, that relationship will be going on a downhill slope. does he have trust issues? if thats the case, he needs to work on that, even talk to her about it so that she may help him with his issue. all i know is that if she is going to be smothered and put on a short leash, it will drive her away more and more. she needs her space. let her breathe.  

  12. tell one but her can answer these questions, you HAVE GOT TO BE OPEN with each other to make a relationship work.  Some girls just don't have a huge s*x drive, I can go for months and not ever want it, it's just a girl thing.

  13. Well, talk to her about it.

    I'm sure she'll understand.

    and you do kinda need to let her have her fun a little.

    i think its really sweet that you love her that much.

    If she know about it i bet she'll understand and just keep on with the marriage plan. I'm sure it will all work out. :]

    Good luck.

  14. I know he loves her but he should still give her space. If he doesn't and its bothering her as much as its bothing you then she might not marry him if she knows she will have no freedom. Tell him to let her have a girls night out with her friends once a week and him have a boys night out that same day. That way he can be alone with his friends and she can be alone with hers!

  15. Hes going to smother her. He has got to let her breathe. That's probably why she isn't in the mood, shes turned off.

  16. He needs to tell her that he is not above raising his pimping hand if he needs to smack a beotch.

  17. hes smothering her...let the leash out a little

  18. If your friend does not want to lose her, he needs to back off. It is clear that she is tired of his being over controlling, and too clingy. He may have already ruined their relationship, its hard to get over someone being that needy. Since she is to the point that she no longer wants s*x, chances are her heart is no longer in this relationship and she is just waiting to figure out how to tell him.

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