
Having trouble with the inland revenue?

by  |  earlier

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The inland revenue made an overpayment about 4 years ago, to which I sent them letters to advise them of the overpayment, and phoned them. They kept saying, it was not an error and that it was my money. I ended up sending two letters and they kept saying the same thing. So I spent the money and of cause they now say its an error!! so now they want the money back. So they are stopping my child tax credit til they have claimed the money.(fair enough). But that was as I said nearly 4yr ago and they say that I haven't paid them back! I didn't get a penny of my child tax so how can they say that they didn't get their money? I think I over paid!!! So three letters have now gone off to them and now they are starting to make payments to me again.which I don't want cos if they say I owe them money, then I'm going to have to pay back the new payments!! I asked them to stop paying me until they sort this mess out, but they wont!? what can I do now. I think its gone on for far to long and I am getting worried over this.




  1. See a relevant solicitor for a free thirty minute consulation because there is a little know law that forbids them taking back overpayments.

  2. Not sure about the law thing forbidding them to take back any overpayments, but here is what I did.

    I sent an Income and Expenditure spreadsheet to them which detailed every single one of my outgoings, right down to the amount I spend on clothing, birthday and christmas presents and rabbit food.  If it comes out of the jar, it goes on the spreadsheet.

    Then offer them an amount you can afford to pay each week.  Even if it is £1.00 per month, you have shown that you want to sort this out and it will be seen to be a positive step towards repayment.  

    Then, keep copies of all the letters you send and wait for a reply.  They are legally obliged to consider your circumstances and your offer of payment.  If you get no joy, get yourself down to the CAB.

  3. I think you need to ask for an appointment at your local office to see someone in authority in order to sort this out.

  4. i know how you feel i supposedly owe them 1500 pounds i was on incapacity benefit before i got working tax credit plus a disability credit i was fast tracked onto this i hadn't worked in 6 years now they want 63.46 every fortnight i have to pay a loan plus other things making them understand is impossible as they wont admit they are wrong gordon brown has a lot to answer for  keep on at them until they listen or go and see your local mp they must be good for something  

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