
Hayden unlikely to play.....?

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Mathew Hayden has been rated only a 50-50 chance of playing the first test against West Indies which begins on thursday.He is struggling with an Achilles tendon injury which became a problem while he was playing in the IPL.

Do you think it is because of the vigorous routine of ipl and 20-20? Also how do you think his absence will affect the team?




  1. it will coz even clarke is not der

  2. I don't think it will create too many probs for the Aussies. There are very good  replacements.

  3. 40-40 tournament,It would affect the Aussie team, I am sure Aussies have the replacement.

    But hayden will be missed

    EDIT- yeah Clarke will miss the 1st match

  4. if he does not play , it wont create lots of pressure for australia

  5. Well, if Hayden does not play, Australia have a huge problem with their batting. Hayden gives them power and control at the top of the order. Simon Katich will be brought in to replace him, and will form a new opening partnership with Phil Jaques. Both fine players, but Jaques is new to Test cricket, and Katich will be attempting a comeback. Neither are similar players to Hayden, so the opening burst from the West Indies pacemen could be crucial, especially with Ponting in his current wretched run of form, and Michael Clarke missing from the middle order. Brad Hodge will presumably be slotted in as 'Pup's' replacement, although Australia have other options, such giving Haddin a debut as a number six, and playing with a five man bowling attack.

    In terms of Hayden's injury. He apparently picked it up training in the IPL.  Hayden has played a lot of cricket over the years, and is a regular in all three forms of the game. This together with his advancing years (makes you laugh doesn't it, in any other walk of life he would just be coming to his best years, but as a sportsman they are behind him!), which make it harder to overcome injuries, as he would have done in his youth.

    So there are very interesting times ahead for Australia. The only consolation is that the West Indies seem to be drastically under prepared. Someone from the Australian team is going to need to put his hand up and take responsibility. It could be a great opportunity for someone like Simon Katich to finally prove what a great player he is. It wasn't that long ago that Steve Waugh was touting him as a Future Australian Captain.

  6. Yeah i know mate i heard,a total pi$$ off i would honestly say....

    To be honest i can not say yeah it isall due to the IPL,but i would'nt know because i have not watched 1 match of the thing.....

    Matty is getting on in years it might be old age creeping in-or it is a injury related to the IPl matches he played..You only have to play 1 match to get an injury likethis so realy no-one has the right to say no it was'nt because of the IPL matches,who knows it could be because of theit training..(yeah cough,cough)......

    I think this is going to have an impact on the team,be it in the scores or team moral,But hey Michael Clarke is'nt playing neither so it i will say have some what of an effect on the tea,.but Windies are also missing 2 big names them selves....

    It is anyone's match at the moment,i just hope that the guys all play a good fair test match--About bloody time there is a proper match to watch...Not too many hours now and all of us Windies and Australian fans will be behaving like pigs in $hit mate....lmao

    EDIT:Ivy Poning would want to find that form he forgot to take over to the

  7. No I don't think it is directly related to the ipl because hayden wasn't there for very long and the players still currently in the ipl are doing fine.

    In terms of effecting the aussie batting line up i don't think it will do much becasue australia has such a wealth of batsmen. All it may do is decrease the 'imposing' nature that hayden brings to his batting which is really entertaining to watch

  8. well i think if he doesnt play it will be a massive loss as its not just his impact personally that will be missed, but the impact he has on the team, for example when he missed the test in Perth this summer, i actually noticed it had an effect on Jaques, cos Jaques just seems to feel alot more comfortable at the moment with Hayden at the other end.

    however if he doesnt play, we have to think of it being a good thing, as it will give someone a chance to make an impact, for example, i'd take the risk and open with Katich (would be Rogers but since hes not on tour and it would be such a hassle to get to the W.I Kat would be my choice), not Hussey as he is so valuable where he is now, and bat Haddin at six and slot Noffke in at 7, as i think Noff deserves a chance and his form with bat and ball was plenty good enough last year to warrant a spot, and having an extra front line bowler whos good with the bat is always handy

  9. Hayden must be given an opportunity to prove he has still got it and he still does have a lot of cricket in him. I also think he has overcome his injury and is fit enough to play on thursday.

  10. I am sure Aussies have the replacement.

    But hayden will be missed

    EDIT- yeah Clarke will miss the 1st match

    So it will affect the performance

  11. thats good because i am with wi

  12. Yea it might be because of the 20-20 Tournament. It would affect the Aussie team, because Haydos is such a dominant batsman who can change the course of a game by himself!

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