
Haymaker riot??

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What was the immediate cause of the Haymaker riot and what were the underlying causes? and what were the immediate and long term effects? I am having trouble finding this one in the text book and didnt find much on the internet. maybe i just dont know where to look i dunno. any help MUCH MUCH MUCH appreciated!




  1. *haymarket* riot (may 2, 1886)

    -knights of labor (labor union) demanded an 8 hr work day; union gained momentum

    -mass strikes (around 100,000 workers) at the McCormic factory

    -police called to control battle between union workers and factory owner, and hostility between union workers and strikebreakers (nonunion workers who replaced union worker's jobs)

    -BOMB EXPLODED, killing many

    -8 anarchists tried in court, 4 of them executed

    -drew attention to the growing discontent of labor and revived middle-class fear of radicalism

    -the Knights of labor ended; AFL (American federation of labor) emerged

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