
Hayrünnisa Gül as a role model??

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Turks, Do u consider this lady as a role model or u disagree with her "Chador"??

I personally respect her allot




  1. If I needed a role model to portray a woman who is gracious in public, is a loyal and supportive wife, and a good mother -  a woman who carries out her duties as First Lady despite criticism regarding the extent of her belief, then I could do worse than choose Hayrünnisa Gül. I think too much is being made of this issue re the headscarf; I would never wear one, but I have friends and relatives who choose to do so, yet they have never tried to influence me.  Wearing the scarf is a matter of personal choice and not something that anyone is trying to force onto another - let people live their lives in peace.  Turkey could never be another Iran.

  2. A role model inspires people. What achievement does Mrs.Gül have to inspire women? Her only achievement seems to be being covered. How sad. She could have been a great doctor with that devotion, if her family didn't give her to the Mr.Gül.

    PS. The family says they gave away their daughter with the understanding that she would continue her education. Which she didn't find the opportunity to do so.

  3. What a funny idea...

    Have you some other jokes to tell us ?...

    PS :   وأنا اتفق مع نظيري التركي أصدقاء... وانا ايضا الدول العربية والاسلامية.

    ( I am Arab and Muslim too, and I agree with my Turkish friends..)

  4. Turkey must remain secularist forever, and even "first ladies" should understand that.

    What's your definition of a role model for women ? " Shut up, cover your hair and wash the dishes" ? Wow, what a bright future, huh ?

  5. Role model as what?sneaky as they both are (husband &co)...

    that fake smile on their face and pretending that they are truly devoted to the modern Turkish Republic...I dont buy it...

    and BTW....this "first lady"  filed an international complaint once because she was not allowed to wear her vail at the university but later took it back because of her husbands political what is that?

    either someone believes in something and supports it to the end or keeps its mouth shut just to fool people and make her husband climb the stairs to the "presidential status"...isnt that hypocritical or what?

  6. She doesn't wear the chador - that is the all over tent-like black garment. See here:

    I don't mind the way she dresses, I consider it irrelevant. To quote her:  'The turban covers only my head, not my brain.'  

  7. Out of all the women in the world, I doubt my role model would be H.Gül who has no notable quality other than having a passionate love for dressing most unfashionably AND wearing one of the biggest symbols of women's supposed inferiority on her head.

  8. Hayrünisa Gül's being a role model is impossible in Turkey. Besides I don't think she has such an intention anyway.

    Being a role model requires accomplishments and success stories. She doesn't have such a story, so not a chance.

  9. As I am not a female, she is not a role-model for me lol. I don't care if she is one for some Turkish women. They can do what they want with their hair, head, face... Their lifestyle is quite the opposite of mine. They will never convince me that they are doing it for religion only. I lived in Turkey long enough to know what's going on.

    She is definitely not a lady I would like to look at all the time. My all time favourite is Julia Roberts :)  

  10. Mrs. Gül was a promising student before she married Mr. Gül when she was only 15 years old. The first thing she had to do was to cover her head.

    First of all, this kind of a person can't possibly be a role model.

    Secondly, it's simply not true that the headscarf just covers her head and not her brain. She has given herself into slavery when she met Mr. Gül.

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