
Hazard perception?

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i have been practising my hazard on a disk for the pc and i keep failing how can i get top marks what am i doing wrong




  1. You might well be clicking too early, too late or too often! I found that there was not too many hazards in the test that you are designed to spot.

    The test is aimed and making you spot the obvious ones.

    For instance don't click just because you see a parked car and think the door might open. Look for the obvious threats first like the car at a junction who may be about to pull out on you or the kids on the path playing with a ball.

    Once you start to see what they are intending for you to see, you'll start scoring higher.

    Good luck with the real test!

  2. Very simple, you need to reread in operating instructions so that you can do this correctly..................

  3. Dont forget you are looking for developing hazzards not hazzards!!! One of the clips has 2 developing hazzards so you are looking for 15 out of the 14 vid clips. And no more than 10 clicks per vid clip or the computer will mark you down as cheating and award you a '0'

  4. when you see the hazard begining e.g a car appearing on the right approaching a junction go through this routine

    1 click = i might brake,

    2nd click = i may brake

    3rd click = i will brake

    the scoring is based on a time zone and starts at 5 decending to 0 if you fail to spot the hazard in time by following i might, i may, i will routine you will find yourself in the 5>4 scoring zone. Remember at least two of the clips have 2 hazards to spot = 10 points. Good luck

  5. your spending to much time on answers and not enough time on the test.

  6. To be honest with you i dont rate them at all. They are not precise nor do they give acurate results. The whole point of Hazard Perception is to make a note and immediatly react to a situation you see in front of you. Well on the disks you have many different scenarios and what i found was EXAMPLE - A bus in a bus stop passengers already on as you could see noone waiting so the bus was going to pull out. So i immediatlly realsied that this was a hazard only to be told i guessed to early. POINTLESS. As the whole point is realising as early as possible. So i never rate those disks at all. When i did do my Hazard perception i passed with flying colours

  7. How many times do you click on each clip? I dont know how many times you are allowed to click before the computer thinks you are cheating, but I clicked somewhere between 8 and 10 per clip. On one clip I pressed every few seconds and I didnt lose the points for it.

    Everytime you see something move, consider it as a hazard and click.  If you see a pedestrian, thats one click. If you see a car pulling out a side road click as soon as you see it. Another pedestrian click again. A bin truck, a bus, a horseback rider, a motorbike near and someone crossing the road are all clicks.

    The 1st time I did it, I was confused and failled. I thought you had to click whenever you saw something that would make you slow down and clicked maybe 4 times per clip. But you need more than that, I got a terrible score the 1st time! They dont tell you what to do very well, and when it says at the start that if you click too much you will lose all the points, I think it scares you into being shy with the clicks. But dont be, get at least 8 in. I think every clip is 30 seconds long so make sure you get enough in.  I think you only lose the points if you click constantly for no reason.

    And if you do click everytime something moves, and the computer says you clicked too much, appeal it to the centre staff, because you will be able to confirm what you were clicking at. Any person near is a hazard because they could run out so you can justify it like that. Worth a try!!

    Good Luck!

  8. You have to click as SOON as you see a hazard. Don't let it get too close. Basically, you see a part of a sign and CLICK. You get more points if you press it sooner, less or even none if you press it later. Don't worry you'll get the hang of it.

    Good luck with the test when you do it.
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