
Hcg count question?

by Guest34288  |  earlier

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i'm supposed to get my blood drawn today so my doctor can see if my hcg count doubles in 48 hours. i work at the hospital and the lab is right across the hall. i'm supposed to wait until 2pm. but i'm really anxious and i want to go and do it now (it's 9:30am) so i can hopefully see the results before i leave work today. will those 3 hours really be that vital?




  1. I have no idea, but one day of anxiety isn't really worth the risk is it? Why not wait for a day.

  2. 3 hours wont be vital, go and do it now. With HCG you dont have to worry about the number or if ts  doubling. once the numbers are increasing that  is a good sign the pregnancy is progressing normally

  3. I doubt it, check it now... Good luck
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