
He came back to our house?

by Guest58717  |  earlier

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About 7 months ago my boyfriends dog got out of our house (he's a house dog) and we never seen him again. My boyfriend went to work at 4:30am this morning so I got up and fixed him some breakfast before he left. After he left I laid back down for a little while then got back up at 5:15am to go get the newspaper outside when I noticed something on my front porch. I started walking over to it and it jumped up and started running toward me. It was still dark out so I couldn't tell what it was until it was about 3 feet from me. It was our dog that we've been missing for 6 months and he was so happy to see me and jumped all over me. It looks as if he's been shot before and have teeth marks which appears as if he's been fighting with other dogs. My boyfriend don't get home until this evening but i'm going to take our dog to the vet this morning for a check up etc. Should I call up my boyfriend right now while he's at work and tell him or wait until he gets home?




  1. I think you should call your BF now and tell him.  After all, the dog has been missing for a long period of time and I'm sure you've both been very concerned.  He will be glad of the news.  And please, yes, do take the dog to the vet, as soon as possible today.  I'm glad your friend is back with you.

  2. Much would depend on what kind of job your boyfriend has...if he works in an 'emergency' wouldn't be wise...  If, on the other hand, he works anywhere that is more 'casual' might just drop by after the vets visit...and surprise him...  

  3. I am so happy your dog has returned to you. If I was your partner I would want to know immediately such great news. A trip to the vet is in order by all means.

  4. i think u should tell ur bf so he knows what's going on with ur dog... he's probably been worried and even tho u say he seems to have gotten shot, he's still alive and apparently healthy if he was able 2 jump and move around


  5. That's awesome!  I had a house cat once that got out and left of his own free will.  Then 9 months later I was driving to the store and was one block from home and he was just sitting there on the side of the street.  I opened the car door and he jumped in, just like "hey, how've you been?"

  6. wait cause you dont want him to cry cause he mite cause he mitev missed the dog so much

  7. i would call him right away it will make the rest of his day joyous

  8. What a happy ending! I don't think it will matter if you call him now or wait till he gets home. A phone call to work would make his day. Seeing his long lost buddy as a surprise when he gets home would be like a surprise birthday party. You might even call him to say you have a surprise for him tonight to build suspense anyway it goes he'll be happy. I'm happy for the three of you even my day is brighter.

  9. I would wait til he gets home it would be a nice surprise. I'm glad that ur dog made his way home to u it shows he loves u and ur boyfriend. when he got out he musta got lost trying to find his way home. The vet visit is a good idea.

    When ur boyfiend is on his way home have a nice dinner waiting for him and have the dog in another room with a nice bath and a ribbon or something on him and as ur eating dinner say o wait I forgot I have a nice surprise for u and go get the dog. As he comes out ur boyfriend will be so happy to see him and it will give u something to talk about at dinner how u found him and how u took him to the vet and wat the vet said ect...

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