
He thinks i'm a pervert?

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so the class was suppose to write poems.i am very talented int hat area.i like writing dirty i wrote a dirty poem and a decent poem.i was'nt planning on giving the teacher it.i was playong around but my friends gave to him and now i'm scared.

it goes like this,this is just the start

kissable lips

suckable b*****s

you inside me

that's the best etc,my stupid so called friend wrote my name and said i love you sir.

what am i going to do.

i avoid him.he was calling out to me but i ran away. i don't know how he got my number,but he called me.

i don't want him to think i'm a freak!!!

what should i do?




  1. It's your own mistake. But your friends were really mean in doing that. What kind of friends are those! Anyway, just deny writing them

  2. ha, laughable, just tell him the truth, i did something like that once

  3. What? Lemme get this straight.

    You wrote an ex-rated poem, you showed it to your friend who then gave it to your teacher, after adding some additional words to look like you wrote it for teach.

    Then teach somehow gets your phone number (cell I assume?) and calls you?

    His calling your personal number is pretty inappropriate.  Your embarrassment is understandable.  Write the teacher a letter and tell the truth -- explain that the poem was just you fooling around with your friends, not meant for anyone and they added the "I love you sir" to it and gave it to him  --- without your knowledge until you learned afterward (how you don't tell here).

    Tell him you are sorry if it caused him any embarrassment, that you want to put the thing behind you and to please not contact you on your cell phone or reference the incident ever.

    That should be the end of it.

    Some friends you've got there.

  4. Ugh!  That's what you get for writing nasty poems!  LOL consider it a life lesson.  "Keep it simple, stupid."  And if he's trying to talk to you, you might as well say something!  I mean honestly, do you want the last thing you say to him to be "you inside me"?

  5. Ummm..what is he SUPPOSED to think?? I'm the last one to say a woman (or a man, for that matter) should be judged for their art, but you put a HUGE cherry on top of the icing of that "Suckable" poem---YOUR NUMBER!!!

    Man, I hope you don't have a MySpace account! They'll be flocking around you like seagulls around Tippi Hedren in "the Birds"!!!

    GET REAL!!! This is a dangerous time, when pervs use the internet and anything else they can (often cloaked in the guise of "academia"...MAN that pisses me off, 'cos it gives academia a bad name!) seduce and even stalk women like you!

    I shouldn't say "women", because I know a LOT of guys who are just as clueless about what can happen when they open up their lives to psychos! (think Michael Doublas in "Fatal Attraction"!) .

    People have ALWAYS called me "paranoid" since the 1980's but ya know what...I WAS RIGHT!!! Someone who didn't "like" me WAS stalking me...with the help of the local cops, no less! And that's just the TIP of the iceberg, just like Abbie Hoffman, and they didn't even HAVE the 'net then!!!

    I don't live in that town now, but I'm DAMNED careful what I say and to whom! You should be too!

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