
Head-Lice removing!!!?

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My mum has been infested with them for weeks and she has used lice treatment about 3 times, aswell as doing the conditioner and nit combing method...she combs her hair everyday doing this method but they keep returning.

I have now got the lice, luckily i spotted a live one today and i have used Lyclear treatment on my hair, as well as rinsing with extremely hot boiling water. I have used the nit comb when wet and only a few nits came out, does that mean i spotted it early and hopefully i wont have to repeat the treatment?

I have changed all bedding and washed clothing.

Oh and does vinegar work to kill lice?




  1. Sometimes, you need to mix mayonaise with the vinegar and put it on your hair and wear a plastic cap and let it sit for an hour. Just combing doesn't always work. When I found out I had lice, it was really bad and I didn't wanna shave my hair like my mom suggested. My mom sat there with me and went through my hair through very, very small sections at a time and pulled out the eggs and lice. You need to have patience, it'll take awhile. You're mom can help you do that and you can do it for her. After you guys are done, go through the hair again. It definetly worked for me. You should also make sure all your bed sheets and pillows are clean. Good luck!

  2. The ONLY safe way to get rid of head lice permanently is to use a totally natural alternative to the chemical preparations then use prevention methods such as hairspray and tea tree mixed with water in a spray bottle every day to ensure they never return.

    You should stay away from chemical head lice treatments. Before you listen to anyone advising you to use a pesticide treatment please consider the following:

    No chemical head lice treatment is legally allowed to be labeled as 'safe' as every insecticide is a poison.

    If a lice treatment does not work once it is not going to work twice, in fact the lice that live will breed into a whole new batch that are resistant to that chemical. This may be the reason why your mum can't rid of hers, they are now resistant to the treatment.

    Read these articles and try to find a natural remedy containing Neem oil as this renders the lice unable to breed therefore making it impossible for them to build up a resistant.

    Feel free to check out the articles at the following site for more advice.

    Good luck.

  3. UM

    it might work.
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