
Headache when i get up.................?

by Guest10877  |  earlier

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when i lay down for a while and get up quickly my head hurts and i get dizzy for like a minute, ive told my mommy and she told me its cause i dont eat enough but i know i do, so can i be insane in the membrane or something, hahahahaha




  1. if you lie down and get up QUICKLY, then of course your brain has to have some time to get used to it (just like when your spinning and when you stop, you feel dizzy).  I think the dizziness is normal, unless it really hurts, or something.

  2. maybe you dont get enough sleep...

    i think the dizziness is normal if u get up to fast... cuz i black out for a sec.

  3. pffft were not doctors DO ASK A DOCTOR!!!

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