
Healing bones..?

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will drinking a lot of milk help your bones recover if they've been broken?




  1. Pressure helps the most. Weight lifting for example, but check with your doc before doing it.

  2. Try out magnets to speed up the healing process.......find 2x powerful therapeutic magnets (they're called therapy magnets) and place both using different poles, one at the top and one at the bottom of the fractured bone site...........

  3. Use Symphytum 200 one dose a day for three days and repeat one dose every week.  It will help in regrowth and  bonding.  Information above should not be substituted for medical advise. Always consult a doctor before using medicines.

  4. In Ayurvedic sciences of treatment, GOAT,s milk is prescribed as a nourishment useful for broken bones.

        Milk alone will not have full  effect, hence some other medicines are recommended to be taken along with the goat-milk.

  5. No. The only milk that is even healthy is NON-homogenized and that is difficult to find unless you live in the country. (Americans have the highest rate of dairy consumption in the world and one of the highest rates of osteoporosis.)

    Best thing to do for healing broken bones (also sprains) is to drink a tea of Comfrey leaves. (Don't shoot me yet, I'll explain.) Comfrey has been linked to liver cancer so it is (1) a little bit difficult to find and (2) labelled "for external use only." However, the ONLY links to cancer is a case of someone who used the herb DAILY for something around 20 years. Before that, people used it judiciously without any problem for hundreds of years. Discontinue use after 2-3 months or when the bone is well-healed.

    I would also apply a poultice of Comfrey Root over the area of the break. Some of the medicinal properties are absorbed through the skin. It is usually sold in a powder. Put a rounded teaspoon in a piece of heavy paper towel or cloth. Pour a bit of boiling water over - enough to saturate the herb. Let sit a minute until just comfortably warm, then apply to the skin. If desired, cover w/ a piece of plastic wrap. Leave on about 15 minutes. Repeat several times daily.

    Also helpful are Vitamin A, C, E, Dolomite, Zinc and exposure to sunlight.

  6. Absolutely!!  Milk is known to be the best at doing this.. I would recommend drinking milk with some fat in it, though.... Fat slows digestion, so if you drink skim milk it will send your insulin thru the roof.  In fact, I am convinced that the rise of diabetes has allot to do with not enough fat in peoples diets...

    Good Luck and I Hope this Helps...
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