
Health Insurance Question for child.?

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I am 21 years old. I am in college. I am a Junior. I make about 8,000 dollars per year. I am having a baby in october. I am the father. I am getting married to the mother in July. What should I do in order to get aid from the government. I want to make sure I can get insurance for my baby that is due in october.




  1. YOU the father, have NO RIGHTS To the baby until after you marry the mother.  You can't do a blessed thing.  

    The mother can try to file for medicaid - welfare insurance.

  2. I applaud you for stepping up and taking care of your baby.

    Check with your local Family can look it up in the phone book they will be able to help you with state aid.  Medicaid or Medicare.

  3. If you have been looking for some great ideas, Here is the place you should have a look.

  4. apply for state aid.. they will even back pay your medical bill by 3 months.. so she should be going in for visits.. o.k.!

    and they will take into consideration.. the entire household income.. so who she lives with determines if she can get coverage or not.  when you marry you can be added on to hers (single men usually don't get state aid) and they will adjust the income allowances.

  5. Yo -- don't get married the mother will handle the whole thing and start getting receiving welfare  checks.  Be cool wait till you are graduated with your masters before getting married...

    Don't be their to sign the birth certificate.  I watch Maurie Povich -- Oprah -- Judge Judy -- and the only way you will know if the baby is yours FOR SURE is with DNA...

    That one woman had 11 potential fathers on Maurie and she had s*x with all of them and they were NOT the father...

    Use your head and just wait -- I am not saying your girl cheated -- Just be safe than sorry - use welfare --OK

  6. Check with a social worker at the hospital where you plan on delivering. The rules for state assistance are different in each State. Ask the social worker and she will get you started in the right direction. Much of this stuff has to be done in advance to get it in time. There are Medicaid,County, and other programs like Catholic Services.

    The social worker will advise to which one or combination of available programs will benefit you. The date of the wedding may or may not change coverage options with the state Medicaid system.... again depending on your state. Some go by income status alone, some by marital status. Some states might even make the father repay them for coverage.  I don't get the idea from your post that you are trying to duck responsibility. In fact, I see the opposite. Your are trying to be responsible so check into what is available. Here in Michigan, we have country programs that  cover people for $80/month by the patient ,$80/month by the employer, and the other $80 by the county/state. Don't just believe that there is welfare as your only option. This is why I am suggesting talking with the social worker who can guide you into making the correct decisions. This will help you decide the date of your wedding too since coverage obtained by you does not extend to your girl friend or child. For the state funded options, she will have to apply with your present marital status.

    Make sure your gf/future wife is getting good prenatal care NOW and that should include a prenatal vitamin with folic acid to prevent Spina Bifada. Control and correction of gestational diabetes can affect both the mother and the child since elevated blood sugar is a growth hormone in the fetus. These things are much easier to prevent than react to after the fact. I cannot stress this enough. The care for your child is most impacted by the health of the mother during the first trimester of development. You want to make sure you give her the best chance in the world to make a healthy baby.

    Good luck and good planning.

  7. The mother can apply for state assistance.

  8. contact your local medicaid/welfare office and fill out the paperwork ahead of time.

    your gf may already be on welfare for her pregnancy

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