
Hearing whispers at night?

by  |  earlier

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I hear whispers when I lay down on my bed at night. I already see spirits or shadowy images. I am 15 years old, and I have been practicing Wicca. Sometimes I cannot understand when they're saying, it is almost like playing operator with very quiet people. Once I CLEARY heard someone saying my name. I don't really recognize the voice but I'm pretty sure its a woman. I've heard different things like I'm going crazy, or I have some weird sleeping problem. But I'm not too sure. Can anyone relate to me? Or does anyone know whats happening? I'd really appreciate it, thanks.




  1. Don't be afraid, although, it can be frightening. I am a sensitive and work closely with a medium on a daily basis. The whisper of your name in your ear is your spirit guide. In some religions this spirit is called your guardian angel. The spirit is trying to catch your attention for some reason. Are you have a problem make a decision or need to take care of your health? Are you opening and closing your wiccan practices with a protection spell? This is just a way of catching your attention.

    Be safe, be well.

  2. WOooooooo Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Boooooo!!!!!!! Holy Ghost

    The holy ghost is useless got a sheet over his head now days just tell him with a firm voice


    Then he will go away.

    But all jokes aside we all see and hear things in my opinion you are lucky i say try to make contact with the Ghost and put it on You Tube i am going on a Ghost hunt so yeah.

    I used to see strange things i used to hear people in my attic running around i once saw my dead uncle and one night i saw a black shadowy figure following me and some time i see a man dressed in all black real tall standing or walking around my house i first saw him once after my uncle passed away the night and place where he died and now i always see this man but i have always seen strange things since  i was little but i got over my fear and i started trying to find ghost ever since its fun speculation

    Oh yeah and i can hear a baby crying or laughing in my House don't be scared confront it.

  3. Probably.  There doesn't appear to be any other possible reason for it.

  4. My advice to you is to immediately stop practising wicca, this form of magic is commonly seen as benign or even good but that is only a false perception.  Wiccans are playing with things that they don't know enough about.  Don't be naive, these things aren't good.

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