
Hearns/Pavlik? 2 questions?

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Question 1: How would a theoretical fight between these two turn out?

Question 2: Can Pavlik turn out to be the next Thomas Hearns, or am I deluding myself in the hopes of an 80's style champion? His knockouts of both Miranda and Taylor were breath taking in a way we haven't seen since the original Hitman would starch top contenders.




  1. Pavlik is naturally bigger man, but Hearns had huge KO power, and has an edge in power and technique - I just think that if Taylor was able to drop Pavlik, Hearns would have turned his lights out.

    Hearns was a championship contender in 5 different weight classes, that is the best evidence of skill and ability in the sport.  I think Pavlik is one of the top 5 fighters in the world right now, but he'll have to display more than just the ability to beat world-class middleweights if he wants to end up in the same neighborhood as Tommy Hearns.

    The sad fact is that top fighters now don't fight nearly enough to allow for an accurate comparison to fighters like Hearns - if you only fight 2 times a year, both should be against the best and most compelling matchups available.  There should be no showcase fights when you're a world champ fighting every 6 months.

  2. great question,i think pavlik could beat him not that he wouldn't lose to him but he has the ability to beat hearns.pavlik once ko'd a guy out of his shoes in the amatuers.

  3. It would be a d**n good fight! Either could win if they landed first. Pavlik doesn't have that one punch concussive KO power like Hearns, but his power is very sneaky, and he hurts you with everything he throws, and they add up pretty quick. I give Hearns an edge right now becuse Pavlik hasn't been around long enough. Ask again in a couple of years.

  4. I think Hearns was more devastating in an era where the fighters were a little better.

  5. Great comparison i think hearns would win b/c he had amazing stunning KO power most of his KO's came in the first 4 rounds, but if the fight were takin deep pavlik would probally have the upper hand, great stamina, great chin, and tremendous heart and determination.  If i were an expert i would say Hearns by UD, but close and pavlik does w/o a doubt have a chance to be the next tommy hearns, but he has to move up in weight to probve it.  HIs KO's of both of them were power and setting up his punches, hearns never really set anything up as soon as he lands tht right hand your done, but he does have similar physical attributes tall skinny and power, great comparison.

  6. Hearns would win a close fight and yes he can he is very good


    Tommy would have carved Pavlik up like a ThanksGiving Turkey, and served him to the canvass!...................................

    There is no comparison to be made!......................................

    First of all although I thought Taylor would beat Pavlik, Taylor is by no means a great fighter....................................

    And Miranda never proved anything in the sport of boxing, he's never beaten anyone of any stature!...................................

    Tommy has starched some great fighters, and looked extremely dangerous against other greats...............................

    Pavlik is still looking for the easiest fight he can find!..............

    Pavlik is slow, gets hit a whole h**l of a lot, has bad footwork, but he does have good power......................................

    So the answer to your question is h**l TO THE NO!- PAVLIK WILL NEVER BE ANYTHING LIKE THE HIT MAN!

  8. Pavlik wears his opponents down with a workman like efficiency and a toughness that comes from many a long hours in the gym.  Kelly lacks the one punch bomb that Thomas Hearns brought in at welterweight.  At one 160 Kelly is actually a better middleweight that Hearns, Tommy's jab was still a factor, but it was more a quick dart than a solid punishing jab at 160.  Kelly actually breaks down his opponents with his jab, it is a thudding heavy jab, not a range finder for his right hand like a middle weight Hearns.  There is a huge difference between Heans at 147 and Hearns at 160.   The Pavlik right hand is pretty solid as well, but not the cannon that Hearns brought into the ring.

    No, Pavlik cannot turn out to be the next Thomas Hearns, Hearns was a multi-division champion in 6 weight classes.  Pavlik doesn't have the body style to cover such diversity.  Both are fine boxers, Hearns clearly is an all time great, and Pavlik has the potential to be a hall of fame champion as well, but Kelly will never equal the career accomplishments of Hearns, Pavlik's body type won't allow it.  Look at Ronald Hearns, he is almost emaciated fighting at 147 with a tall, gaunt, skinny frame, much like his father's at that weight.  Kelly could never cut the enough weight to functon a so low a weight.  Ronald struggles at 147, he lacks the killer right hand his father was famous for as well, but Ronald could possible span a lot of weight classes in his career, much like DeLa Hoya did by adding weight as he matures.  Ronald has no where near the skill of DeLa Hoya or his father, but his body type will allow for it.  Pavlik body type will not.

  9. 1)If they fought at welter weight then hearns would win without any doubt, if they fought at middle weight then pavlik would have a better chance, hearns was a good boxer who relied on his power to end fights, pavlik is a very powerful puncher but he also possesses great stamina and durabilty in the ring and usually wears his opponents down with his jabs before knocking them out with his power punches, both fighters have a tendency to leave themselves open every now and then and considering their power level it is hard to predict which of the two would fall first.

    2) Pavlik is not going to be the next Hearns, he is going to have a great career and a spot in the hall of fame but unfortunately he is fighting in an era that is not great for boxing, back in the eighties boxing was extremely popular and people like leonard,hagler and hearns were household names, many people outside of boxing don't even know who pavlik is, despite the fact that pavlik is dominating his division right now and even after his two epic fights with taylor....he is going to need a lot of exposure and some really high profile victories to attain that level.

  10. 1. I am a Thomas Hearns fan but I must say that Kelly Pavlik will win since he is a natural middleweight and Thomas Hearns was a natural welterweight. Kelly Pavlik has a good chin and good punching power. Kelly Pavlik is an improve version of Iran Barkley and we all know what Iran did to Thomas Hearns.

    2. They both have one thing in common, punching power. kelly has the better chin and Thomas has the better hand speed. I still think Thomas Hearns is better p4p but it is a close comparison.

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