
Heartbroken again? Really disappointed.?

by  |  earlier

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I am so disappointed in myself, i just got our of a relationship. I thought he was the one for me, but he broke my heart really bad.

It so tiring to always be the one to apologize and appease him with all his childish sulking.

Why does it have to be this way? I have to start all over again.




  1. If you were always apologizing and he was always sulking you should be glad to be rid of him.  He was childish. You will happier, in the long run, with out him.  

  2. Well if you are the one always apologizing in a relationship, something is very wrong with the relationship. In a relationship both of us have to admit our mistakes whenever we made a mistakes. There is no point in giving in to another party in a relationship coz such relationship won't last long  

  3. It doesn't have to be that way, he is probably fairly insecure although may not appear that way and would definantly not admit it. Look for someone who is comfortable with themselves, give them positive affirmation and you will recieve the same in return. You will be in a relationship where you both make each other feel good rather than you making them feel good and them making you feel bad. Just take your time when looking around. Good luck

  4. Heart-breaking, disappointing for you indeed! Those sensitive feelings & expressions that you have put before us readers make it apparent that you are a 'delicate' lady - one that DOESN'T seek and/or cause emotional pain to 'he' or others.

    That value that you possess will provide the future venue for you; that venue being your future wherein you'll finally be recognized for the qualities that you wish to share with the partner that truly deserves YOU.

    In spite of your pain, be proud of YOURSELF & continue to seek what you fully deserve in ALL aspects of life.

  5. i am a psychic and i can help you call me at (954)825-3465

  6. i dont know sweetie, all i can say is that is life and you arent the only one.  we all still have lessons to learn and while it is hard and painful we are stronger and smarter because of these experiences.  you will find someone that is right for you at the right time.

  7. man h**l no .that ant your fault forget that dude if he wants to be like that and do that **** to you then forget that dude. he's a kid if he act's like that man find you someone better then that for real you don't need that.  

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