
Heavyweight vs other weight classes?

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would a heavyweight boxer such as evander holyfield for example beat a smaller oponent like floyd mayweather with ease? i know this fight would never happen due to different weight classes lol but i was just curious what would happen if they met in the ring?




  1. yes a evander holyfield will beat a lighter weight class boxer. because heavyweight boxers have brut force in there hits and smaller weight classes boxers consist on more physical fitness

    definite k.o. and enough to shut his *** up

  2. I would definitely say yes, especially if the heavyweight is highly skilled. Evander Holyfield in his prime against Mayweather is a good example. I know a lot of people would say that a prime Holyfield would never be able to land a punch on Mayweather. I strongly disagree with that. Holyfield may have trouble in the beginning landing headshots, because Mayweather's head movement is clearly faster than the movement of the body. Well, Holyfield wouldn't have to land solid shots to the head immediately. He could simply breakdown his smaller opponent with shots to the body of arms. Mayweather can't dodge ALL of Evander's punches for twelve rounds. Mayweather would sooner or later show effects of the much, much heavier blows that may have landed earlier in the fight and it would only be a matter of time before Holyfield catches Mayweather with a hardest shot that he has ever endured. Actually, it probably wouldn't have to come down to Holyfield wearing his smaller opponent out before getting to the head. As big and strong as Holyfield is, a good shot to the ribs amd abs may be just enough. As someone mentioned, it only takes one good shot.

    Anyway, I could see that formula working not just for Holyfield against Mayweather, but any good heavyweight against a good much smaller fighter.

  3. A very skilled heavyweight is the most feared athlete in all the sport. Possess the chance to end a fight at any given time.

  4. A question like this is almost always theoretical in nature.  However one such fight (that i know of, there are probably lots of other examples) came way back in the early 20th century.  jack Johsnon, who was the first ever black heavyweight champion, had an exibition bout against the Middleweight champion of the day, Stanley Ketchell.  the fight had been agreed that Johnson would take it easy on Ketchell for at least 10 rounds.  However Ketchell wa sunder pressure (being white) to put on a good display against the controversial Johnson and in the fifth, he began to throw bombs at Johnson.  After landing a few cracking punches, Johnson had had enough and launched a thumping right hand at Ketchell.  the punch landed and knocked Ketchell out cold, and in doing so snapped off most of his teeth at the root.

    the moral of the story here is that no matter how quick a middleweight or someone lighter in weight can be, it can only take one great punch to finish a fight.

    the idea of a heavyweight champion is someone who, with one punch, can knock out anyone in the world.  regardless whether they are a professional fighter or not.

  5. Yes thats why there is weight classes

  6. That is a good question, and it might be a surprising contest.

    John Paul F. gives the great example of a heavyweight's power with Jack Johnson/ Ketchell.

    Yes, in theory, between two even skilled opponents, the bigger man should prevail, so Holyfield should be the victor.

    The trouble is, there are lots of examples that go the other way. Roy Jones won in his heavyweight encounter. Rocky Marciano was only a cruiser weight by today's standards, yet he was a heavyweight king. And, little Billy Conn at 167 pounds almost beat the mighty Joe Lewis, and even Joe himself said that Billy was winning the fight before Billy got careless and Joe he knocked him out in round 12.

    The heavier and stronger fighter has the advantage of power, but the lighter opponent also has an advantage: speed!

    And, if the light boxer also has a knockout punch, then the bigger boxer could be in trouble.

    Mayweather is fast. But, could he wear Mr. Holyfield down? Realistically, he might win on points if he were very careful and kept his distance. Holyfield is a 'roid warrior, so a knockout would be beyond my imagination.

    Anyway, for something real, watch the Conn/Lewis fight on You Tube. It is just amazing to see the Joe Lewis struggle with this scrawny little opponent. What a great fight!

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