
Heelside On Snowboard?

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I am 100% capeable of toesiding, and ive made it down the big moutain doing that, but, im kinda facing half way backwards and i just cant get myself on the other sife without catching edge.




  1. alright, yes its a bad habit to swing your back foot around but it really helped rais my confidence cuz i was able to do it faster. obviously bad idea = bad habit but what can i say im sloppy when i learn stuff.

    one thing that really helped me was when turning onto heelside you put pressure on the heel of your front foot and on the toe of your back foot. **this really helped me and i highly recommend it**

  2. Take a lesson: a certified professional will get you on your toe-side with confidence in less than an hour.

  3. Im currently a snowboard instructor at glen eden ski and snowboard center. This is a common problem I find there are a few things you can do to help improve your turns. Firstly make sure you put most of your weight on your front foot which will start to point your board down the hill. Next you make sure you are rotating your entire upper body in the direction you are turning. Once your board is facing straight down the hill you switch edges and keep rotating your upper body to finish the turn. The reason why you are catching an edge is because you are not lifting your toes or heels enough(depending which edge your turning onto). Its usually just a confidence issue most people get their board facing down the hill but get nervous and stop rotating their upper body or lean back and wipe out. Once you complete a few turns your confidence will build and you will get more of a feel for your edges.

  4. Don't listen to this "back foot" non-sense. You should NEVER be whipping the back of the board around in a turn. That isn't how you ride a snowboard when you get better, so you shouldn't learn it in the beginning. It is a BAD habit you will have to un-learn later.

    Think about turning as additional pressure on the front toe or heel. Turning a snowboard is all about edge control. When you have the board across the hill and stand up on the heel edge, you put a lot of pressure on the toe of the front foot and do NOT lean back - that is the mistake most people make.

    To turn, you put pressure on the downhill egde of your FRONT foot. This will release the edge in the front only and the nose of the board will start to swing down the hill. This will also put your weight forward which is correct. You MUST wait for the board to cross the fall line (straight down the hill) before you transition your weight to the other edge (or you will catch the downhill edge - ouch). Then use equal pressure on both feet on the new uphill edge to get the board to move back across the hill - this is a complete turn.

    Once you are doing these in both directions, you can start linking the turns.

    Good Luck

  5. when i first learned, carving was pretty hard [if thats what you mean]. just like wha pretty mch everyone else said: everyones got their own style and learns differently. question: do you know how to go reg from goofy? visa versa? well if you can its almost the same movement as that. i also found out that if your going down the mountain with your board's ends facing out [like this ____ ], kinda like stopping, its easier to try and learn to switch side to side. hope this helped- just go out and s***w around trying to figure it out! works best!

  6. It's all in your back foot. Really, just forget about your front and focus whipping your body's weight to your heels off of your toes. You may need to file down the edges on your board so they're not sharp (yes, file them down a little. Sharp = no good). We've all been there and the best way to learn is to do it and not be so afraid of bailing here and there.

  7. when I was first learning I had a very similiar problem.. I couldn't go from toeside to heelside.  After a while ( and many bruises) I mastered it.  Everyone's different but you just have to keep trying and don't get discouraged..  I do have one tip as well,  when you are trying to turn you have to do it quickly, you just have to whip your back foot around as quick as you can. hope this helps
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