
Hello, What breed is this?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there,

I got a puppy a few months ago and was told he was a border collie, rotweiller, and golden retriever mix. But I was wondering what others thought? So what kind of dog does this look like?

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thanks in advance :)




  1. Wow! he's beautiful!! That's the trouble with mutts, you might have the most fantastic dog in world but there's no way you could ever reproduce it.

    His colour seems to have nothing of any of the 3 breeds mentioned - there could be some GSD in there.

    Then again he could come from so many generations of mixed dogs, you could never discover all the breeds that made him. In just 3 generations, you could have over 50 breeds!

  2. Looks like there's some belgium shepherd in there to me.

  3. I have to ask why you are asking this question?  Where did you buy your puppy from?  The obvious person to tell you the background of your puppy is the person who decided to bring him into this world.  Not via a photo on a public website.  Sorry!

  4. he looks like a shepherd collie mix.... but the muzzle is very larg it boreders the length of a lab and the thickness of a rot.....

  5. I think the person who told you the mix was correct. He does look like a bit of a border collie, a rottweiller, and a golden retriever. He's so cute!


  7. i have a beagle she waa born 5-25-08

  8. ur pup looks like a sheperd mix along with collie. he is a beauty

  9. Looks like german or belguim shepherd with bit of collie, probably rough collie more than border.

    Big hairy wolf- raccoon answer made me laugh so much!

  10. chow mix I think....

  11. chow, kelpi and shepherd cross

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