
Hello and welcome back...?

by  |  earlier

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i've been away for a while , i'm so happy i'm back . i missed you guys a lot

poll: do you think about LGBT when your not near the computer?




  1. Yes I do.

    This is the only place I can actually interact with other LGBT people and confront those homophobic bigots without having to be afraid of getting beat because of it.

    It's great to have you back by the way!


  2. n o

  3. No, but I often do have my (LG)B(T) life on my mind. Welcome back!

  4. Lol, uh, no. I do think about other girls though


  5. ha , welcome back, even though weve never met. i think about it sometimes

  6. Welcome back.  No, I don't really think about Yahoo Answers at all other than when I'm sitting in front of the computer.  I generally surf through the questions and answer some while I'm sitting and watching tv with my husband.  Do enjoy reading about what people are thinking and wondering though.

  7. I have A.D.D. my mind never shuts down.

  8. occasionally, i think about what id ask about and the potential answers to those various questions.

    btw please help me with coming out to my friends:;...

  9. Welcome Back!

    No not so much when I'm away from my computer I'm too busy to think about Y!A!

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