
Hello everybody!!! i'm italian..?

by  |  earlier

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i love united kingdom..last year i went to London,and i had a great time.. i speak English quite good.. but i think that yahoo answers could be a very useful way to grown up with the language!!

if someone wants to learn Italian,contact me!!




  1. I think Italian women are very s**y!

  2. R U sure ur italian, not corsica or sicilian ? :)

    Howdy :)

    Good Luck

  3. hi!i'm italian too and i found some people to speak with...i hope u'll find someone too=]buona fortuna!!!!ciao ciao...

  4. I can help you with your English! Email me whenever!

    I'm learning Italian at college and I need AS MUCH HELP AS I CAN GET!!

    Studio Italiano a scuola. Mi puo aiutare! Il mio italiano è abbastanza bene, ma per essere accettato all'universita devo migliorare mólto.


    spero a presto!

    Rita = ]

    P.S. This is probably all wrong = \ [The italian part!]

  5. DungDung. Sicily is a part of italy so being sicilian means being italian. What are you trying to say?

  6. yes i'd like to learn italian , studio la lingua italiana in centro di cultura in 2003 e ho mia famiglia a Catania ,but now my italian language is terrible and really i need some help.grazie.

  7. i am japanese but dont know any language other than english!  

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