
Help, do i have TSS?

by  |  earlier

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oh well its not so much a fever,

like sometimes headache but goes away,

i feel really hot sometimes,

and i woke up today with somewhat of a sore throat,

but it felt kind of dehidrated, but i drank a whole bbottle of water that night.

also its been happining for almost two days.

and how long does it take for something serious to happen?




  1. You might have it. Tell a doctor immediately. A sunburn-like rash and fever are major symptoms.

  2. im not positive but it sounds like it. the symptoms od tss are

    Severe flu-like symptoms, such as muscle aches and pains, stomach cramps, a headache, or a sore throat.

    A rash that looks like a sunburn. The rash can be over several areas of your body or just in specific places such as the armpits or the groin.

    Redness in the nasal passages and inside the mouth.

    often with light-headedness, fainting, nausea, vomiting, or restlessness and confusion.

    call a doctor if u have more of these symptoms.

  3. You better get yourself checked out. TSS is very rare but is very serious. The aching and rash could be anything, but the fact that it is accompanied by a fever is very worrisome. I'm not an expert on TSS, but from what I know of it, it's really important to get treatment sooner rather than later. Good luck.

  4. i might get that checked out it might just be some kind of virus though but it is better to know for sure becuase tss can be very dangerous

  5. I would go to your doctor just to be sure because fevers are a symptom
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