
Help??!!! 3 year old.?

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My daughter has been potty trained for about a month and a half and recently has been pooping on the floor in her bedroom instead of going to the potty. What should I do?? How can I manage to keep her from doing this? She knows it is very bad but has done it twice today. It is getting really annoying and I don't know what to do about it. Please good advice.

Mother of a 3 year old and 5 months prego with boy!!!




  1. My 18 month old did the same thing. He was using the potty and then all of a sudden he would only pee in it but p**p on the floor or in his pants. So I didn't make it a big deal but always made sure I told him he has to p**p in the potty and sat him on it immediately. Then I cleaned up the mess.  I decided to watch for his signs when he needs to go and sure enough - I found out that he pooped in his pants because his mind was concentrating to much on pushing and forgot that he has to tell me. So I made sure to catch him "in the act" and sit him on potty asap. It was going on for couple weeks (with me missing couple accidents) and then he realized that he needs to use the potty. He has been fine ever since.

    Congrats to your new upcoming arrival ... I am 16 weeks today!

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