
Help!!! Aries and cancer!?

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I’m a female Aries and she’s a female cancer and we work together at this little coffee shop at this building so its just the two of us and OMG!!! But for some reason we cant get along with each other we have good days and bad days, I know that Aries and cancer don’t get along and of curse I learned that with her. So my question is the cause of us not getting along be the age difference she’s 40 something and I’m 25, or she’s going throw menopause or just cause she cancer and im Aries? Oh any advise on how to deal with a cancer!




  1. First and foremost I dont recommend  you  juding by just your sun sign. Their is much much more to astrology than the sun and no isolated sign reveals the persons over all temperament.

    Age could or could not be a factor. Im thinking not. It would be different if you were a teenager but you are 25 and an adult and I asume you act like one. So the only thing I can think is that there important points in both of your birth charts that do not mesh well with each other including your suns.You say you have good days and bad days but dont we all. Be more specific. What do you guys agree on my dear Aries and what do you both not agree on?


  2. She's going through mid-life crisis! lol IDK

    But Aries and Cancers bad when around each other. I have a cancer Ex! She couldn't get a long with me and i tried to get along with her

  3. well i am aries to my bday is april 2 1995 and i am 13 yrs old i know what you mean i dont kno how to deal with it _____i just think she is just jealous lol

  4. Give it up, some things just aren't meant to be - such as Aries and Cancer understanding each other.

    You see the world fundamentally different than how she see's the world - these views don't mesh well (as you've come learn).

    The best advice I can give you is just know it won't ever work, so keep your relationship professional - hold your tongue Aries!  

  5. You guys are like opposites in every aspect... There's probably no hope in this situation unless you don't talk to each other and keep your distance...  

  6. It's more likely the Aries / Cancer thing.  I've been 18 and gotten along with 40 year old coworkers.  I don't know what to tell you, if it's just the two of you you're pretty much stuck being near each other.  Just try to be as civil as possible.  I know how you feel because I can never seem to get along with Cancers well.

  7. Aries and Cancer? Don't get along? My parents have been together for 25 years. My mum gets angry, my dad makes her laugh, calm down and puts thing in perspective. In astrology, there are acceptions.

    P.S. If it helps they have a ten year age gap

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