
Help! Dangerous sleep disorder??

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I've been a talker in my sleep since I was a small child. As I came into adulthood I began to walk in my sleep as well. The farthest I've ever gotten is the front door (school clothes on, car keys in hand).

About a year ago, I began to wake myself up sometimes by laughing. It was quite a strange sensation but i welcomed it as opposed to walking.

Well, a month ago it became even stranger. I've been a singer and musician since I was tiny so music has always played a major role in my life. One night about a month ago, I dreamed music. I couldn't feel anything other than the music, no shapes, colors, people, etc. Just a faint melody. The next night the melody developed into different parts, bridges, choruses, etc. Within a week the dream was so strong I could identify a symphony-like piece with different parts for the piano, violin, and cello. It hasn't stopped. It continues to grow every other night or so. What's going on? Please don't be mean, I'm excited but also a bit concerned.




  1. "Music in Dreams," Uga, Lemut, et al. is a survey of musicians who dream original music.  An abstract is availabe with "music in dreams" title at

    "The Third Music" and "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton,

    "Music and the Soul," Kurt Leland,

    "The Secret Power of Music," David Tame,

    "Creation:  Artistic and Spiritual," O. M. Aivanhov,

    and "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet, are worthwhile.

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi, and

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock, are also worthwhile.

    Have also read of a composer who began dreaming original music; Oliver Sacks, M.D., reported it, and he would likely be interested in hearing from you.  He is a decent human being and an outstanding medical doctor and writer:

    Here is url for abstract of his "New Yorker" article:

  2. Your dream suggests that you are simply one of those vividly colorful people with a very active brain - 24 hours a day who does all sorts of active things in your dream cycle.

    What can be dangerous is the sleep walking - that can lead you into trouble.  The 'disorder' may be there - and you may not be resting as thoroughly as you should for good health.  The mind should be more settled as you rest.  

    Since this is not a new thing but common for all these years since childhood it does not appear to related to any particular current event or stress, although it may flare up during times of stress or intense activity or challenge.  It may be advisible to talk to your doctor about it to see what might be done to help you get a more rested sleep cycle and calm the dreams a bit.

    But the content of the dreams is wonderful - there's nothing wrong with the projections and manifestations you are experiencing.  The mind is capable of synthesizing all kinds of imagery and sensations of all sorts - in your case music now figures in most fluently.  Excellent!  You are among other wonderful things very much an artist in the audio media - your primary palet is simply music, hence some of your dreams are completely dominated by this canvas that you know the texture of so well - and no room is left for the visual hues so common to other's dreams.  You are likely revisiting arrangements and finding obscure notes, phrases and the like to both defrag the brain and refine your knowledge - it is likely actively educational for you.

    But you really should see about working toward a more rested sleep pattern for safety's sake.  And, what is gained by your colorful dreaming may also largely be well replaced by a more focused waking period after a more rested sleep.

    Perhaps this will help with your understanding and in finding a direction that may help give relief from some of the busy dreaming.

    All the best to you.

  3. You need to see a doctor.  Your sleep disorder is potentially fatal and may indicate the onset of schizophrenia.  Both can be effectively treated with medication.

  4. I don't get it... Why the anxiety? This is fabulous.

    Enjoy it while it lasts. This is a gift.

  5. you don't need to worry about your musical dreams. dreams become more vivid the more you take interest in them. people who are artistic/visual find that if they start paying attention to their dreams then the images become clearer - for example they start to dream in colour. as you are a musical person it seems that your dreams are becoming more vivid in a musical way. fantastic.

  6. This might be caused by having to much things you do in life. Try setting a few small goals to keep your mind on one track. I recommend seeing a Psychologist  on this one though.

    Dream interpreters here wont be much help

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