
Help! Dinner dillemma!?

by  |  earlier

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right I'm stuck for what I want for my tea, the choice is between :

Vegetarian chicken style Kievs with rice

Vegetarian Sausage rolls and beans or

good old pasta n sauce?




  1. the chicken and rice sounds good

  2. pasta          so cliche and boring.   first one

  3. pasta in source with peppers onion and a garlic bread

  4. yeh the chicken and rice sounds nice! but it depends on what you feel like.. :)

  5. the first one sounds yummy!  want to make some extra for me? i don't feel like cooking tonight, lol.

  6. chicken & rice! chicken & rice!!!

    You have made me hungry now! enjoy..........

  7. vegetarian sausage rolls is wonderful idea. and if you have a tomato sauce and onions cut the onions into rings and saulte them till golden brown and done mix the sausage and tomato sauce and put onions on top.

    take some navy beans and bake them with tomato paste and cane sugar crystals and salt bake and diced onions.

    bake 45 minutes and serve the sasuage on top of the rice then for a garnish make sprinkles and serve.

    20 amino acid completer sprinkles

    1/2 cup nutritional yeast

    1/4 cup flax seeds ground

    1/4 cup sesame seeds ground

    1/4 tab onion powder

    1/2 tsp garlic powder

    mix and keep in a dry container

    a completer is not complete by itself but if you mix your amino acids it will be complete.

    this completer is seeds

    so if you use them with rice or gluten or beans you will have a complete amino acid.

    grains + beans = complete amino acid

    beans + seeds = complete amino acid

    seeds or nuts + grains = a complete amino acid

    if you put the three groups together then you gett two complete amino acids doubling the nutrition of the one.

  8. kievs and rice thing. Those are nice

  9. mmmmmmmmmm, you make me so glad that I eat dead animals!!!! Sorreeeeeee! lol

  10. i go with rice.

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