
Help Dropped something down the sink?

by Guest34404  |  earlier

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My daughter knocked my plastic applicator down the sink! I live in a rental and could call the maintenance but I am too embarrassed.

I tried to use a pair of scissors to pull it up but it didnt work. What can I try to get it out with. I thought to wait and get some better ideas so that I won't mess up and push it further. The applicator itself about 3-4inches long. In case you don't know what those are, they are used similarly to a suppository except for women's use. It would not have happened but the rental ppl used the wrong kind of plug for the drain and since it stops the water from draining, I had to remove it leaving an open drain. I complained about it before but realllly prefer to get it out by myself. HELP!




  1. take the trap apart and there it is opps the trap is under the sink and should be unscrewed be sure to see how its put togother and it will be easy  anyone can do this

  2. Just take the P trap J bend off and it will fall out'If a plastic trap you can take it off by hand.If metal you will need a wrench or pump pliers.

  3. Look under the sink and you will see a U shaped piece of plastic pipe. Just above that U is going to be a big plastic nut looking thing, you'll need to loosen it (a regular pliers is too small). Once that nut is loose you can drop the U shaped pipe down enough to fish out the applicator then re-install in reverse making sure the U shaped pipe is pushed upward as much as it was originally.

  4. Go under the sink and remove the trap. It is the "J" shaped pipe that connects to the drain line. Take off the trap and the applicator will fall out.

  5. look under sink the little curved pipe is called a catch  take it off and use something to poke the applicater down and out of the pipe

  6. I'd call the maintance person for the property. You can do this yourself, but they usually frown upon it and if you break something they might hold you liable.

    If you decide to try it yourself:

    There should be a 'P trap' under the sink. It's a curved pipe that's in the shape of a U with 2 connectors on either side. You can detach this piece by unscrewing the connectors from either side and pulling it down. It will have some water in it, so you'll want to be careful. After you remove it, there should still be a pipe sticking straight down from the sink. Whatever is stuck should either be accessible through that pipe or will be in the P trap.

  7. the trap answers are good.

    if you have a mechanic friend ask that friend if he/she has a pair of long needle nose pliers. they are meant to get things out of deep places.

    good luck to ya and you should get one of those small drain baskets that have holes in them to let the water go through but not anything of any substance like garbage etc.

    good luck to ya

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