
Help I am so confused

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I have been having complications with my pregnancy and come to find out it is because I have chlamydia. i have only been with my husband and nobody else for the past six years. I have 3 kids already. I have been tested with this several times and it comes up now when I am in my 7th week of my 4th pregnancy. Does this mean that my husband cheated on me? I really don't believe that he did. I don't know how he has had time. Is there anyway that it could be caused from a infection or something besides just him sleeping with someone else? I love my husband and I don't want to confront him on this untill I am clear of how it could have happened. I asked my doctor and he said the main cause is s*x. I don't see how it happend when I have only been with him for the past 6 years and he supposedly only with me for the past 6 years. Please help. How can this affect my unborn child? I am getting treatment for it now.




  1. Not to sound harsh, honey, but you need to ask your husband about it. Since the main cause is s*x, and it's an easily treated condition, I would just question your husband's faithfulness. It's not a condition that goes and comes at will, like herpes. It doesn't "flare up," it's a condition that, once you're infected with, will show up within 10-14 days. Also, if you and your husband have been having s*x during your pregnancy, then it's possible you contracted it then. But if you haven't been, then I have no real answer, unless it was an infection.  

  2. I think a great question to ask your Dr is how long it can remain dormant in someone. The only way your husband didn't cheat is if he had it before you were together and it remained dormant all this time... which is pretty unlikely. Were you tested for std's during the last 6 years? Was he? Has he been on any trips lately or to any bachelors parties? Seems like even the most true blue boys make mistakes at those. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.  

  3. Apparently chlamydia can lie dormant in one's system for 'extended periods of time'. I'm not sure how long that is, but yes, it is possible to have a negative test and then have it show up later.

    According to the CDC, this is what they have to say about birth and chlamydia: "Babies sometimes pay a price, as well. Babies who are exposed to chlamydia in the birth canal during delivery can be born with pneumonia or an eye infection called conjunctivitis, both of which can be dangerous unless treated early with antibiotics."

    Best of luck to you and just be sure that your doc and his/her partners are aware of your condition at the time of birth.

  4. Chlamydia is an infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. The infection is transmitted in 2 ways:

    1)From one person to another by close personal contact such as through sexual intercourse (not by casual contact such as a handshake).

    2)From mother to child with passage of the child through the birth canal. Chlamydia can cause pneumonia or serious eye infections in a newborn, especially among children born to infected mothers in developing countries.

    I hate to say it but if you've been faithful then I'd look at hubby.
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