
Help!? I need a change?

by  |  earlier

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I am so sick of waking up everday and doing the same thign to get ready..and go to school. then soccer and home to eat and do hw and wake up. I really want to get out of my town and see the world but I'm only 14 going on 15 in a month so there isnt much I can do..just a simple change might work but i need soemthing more..Any ideas??




  1. talkl to your parents and let them help you change things around, maybe having something to look forward to might help you, like a summer trip. talk to them though they can help you get out of the rut feeling your too young to feel this way

  2. well change your style. that might help a little bit and mabye see if you can go away for a little bit with one of your friends or someone!!!!!!!!!!

  3. ahh pending on where you live you could maybe volunteer to help people. maybe be one of those big sisters type of thing, maybe talk to your parents about you going somewhere for spring break (nothing crazy) just somewhere that you can get a change of pace.

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