
Help.... I really like him ?

by Guest64468  |  earlier

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O.k so i met this guy through a friend of mine (i will code name her L) and i haven't known him long i really like him he makes me laugh and hes sweet and lovely but... he and L have had this thing they only ended up kissing a couple of times but when ever i mention him she says hands off ***** hes mine and i don't know if she's joking or serious about it!!! she has just recently started seeing a new guy but she hasn't told the guy i like that she's seeing this other guy! i spoke to him not too long ago and he was really flirty with me and when i asked who he had his eye on he told me he couldn't tell me cause he would make a t**t out of himself and he would be embarrassed. i don't know what to do i want to tell him i like him but i don't want to loose my friend either please help!!!!




  1. omg i had a similar problem

    i think your friend is unsure and she may like him underneath but she is jokey about it coz she knows you like him. i would go for it and seeing that (L) is seeing somebody then well yeah just go ask this gut out it worked for me

    love honey x*x

  2. This guy is a person not a possession, or a toy. He doesn't belong to your friend, jeez! If you like him, and your friend has a new guy go for it. I would say he's scared of being rejected by you, that's what he meant in that cryptic but not too subtle hint. If your friend only kissed him a few times, and they weren't serious then it doesn't matter what she thinks. If she is any friend she will want you to be happy, if not then question your friendship. Life is so short, grab happiness when you can. Good luck X

  3. The best thing you can do is do nothing and be patient.

  4. Blah, blah, blah...

  5. Your friend can't have her cake and eat it. Either she is with this guy or not and by the sounds of it she's not. If it is a casual thing she has not got the right to say who he can see. The same goes for you. If she was any kind of friend she will not put you in the position of having to choose. Do not let your friend dictate your life. She sounds quite a deceitful person (which I am sure you and this guy deserve better)!

    You should also say to this guy that maybe he should be honest with the person he likes, as he may get the pleasant surprise that they like him back.

    Go and make yourself happy ;-D

  6. leave it. it will always be complicated, always be a tension between them and you always will feel like a second vest.

  7. OMG, is it a him or a her lol

  8. If he can't tell you that he like you (or whoever), why don't you tell him that YOU like HIM? Or at least ask him out and see where that takes you. If he seems reluctant, than move on. No guy is worth your time when you're not even with him. And as far as your friend, seems like she wants to have her cake and eat it too. Talk to her and let her know how you feel or move on from her as well.

  9. just talk to ur friend tell her the guy u like or the other guy shes with. if she says summit like no, then say well if u were my true friend you'd tell me n if she isnt she wont tell if she is she will. tell that guy u like him, just tell him so u have no more worries.

  10. ask the guy out and then confront your friend.

  11. he blatently likes you (:

    my boyfriend of 7 months & myself met through a friend. At first we became best friends , told eachother anything & everthing. My friend liked him & told me to back off. He asked why I was ignoring him though. We were both very flirtatious towards eachother. 5 months later he confessed of liking me after kissing me and saying he loves me.We both confessed. He never had the guts to ask me out.

    I guess you'll somehow have to find a way of telling him you like him.

    if you have msn or whatever ; email / msn me.

  12. Well ask your friend about the guy you like. If she is just seeing the new guy then you could tell the guy you like, you like him.;...

    ^^ answer mine please

  13. i'm lost too, it is a he or her

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