
Help! I think my bunny?

by  |  earlier

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has a flea! We got her from a reputable breeder and the conditions she was kept in were clean. She is only 9wks old, (miniature Lop) is she too young to have commercial flea treatment ? I have been bitten by something ! but could not swear it was a flea. Thanks in advance x




  1. Rabbits can get fleas like any other domestic animal. Also, they are VERY sensitive to any flea treatments to the point of being fatal. Check the bunny's fur and part it down to the skin around the legs, ears, and near the a**s for any "flea eggs" or the fleas themselves. You could also buy a hair lice comb and comb the fur to get rid of the eggs and fleas.

    TIP:  Try supporting your bunny on its back and "hypnotize" it when you check it for fleas. This calms the bunny and makes the search and retrieval easier. Flip the rabbit over on it's back with it's hind legs facing you, support it's back with your hands or lay it on your lap. Slowly, it's head will lean back over your knees and it will look like it is sleeping. Don't keep this position too long because it can be uncomfortable for the bunny.

    If all else fails, look on for a Farm Vet in your area, or a vet that has experience with rabbits.

    Good Luck!

  2. Talk to the vet you are going to be bringing her to.  Mine recommends Advantage or Revolution for my bunnies.  The vet may want to see the rabbit to determine proper dosage.  (with rabbits, after 8 weeks of age my vet will go by weight to decide if the rabbit can have preventative)  Since there is no product that is recommended for rabbits, you really want to see a rabbit savvy vet about preventative.   You can also buy a flea comb and comb your lop with that to see if she has flea dirt/fleas.  If you see dirt on the comb, add a drop of water.  If it turns rust colored or red, it's flea dirt.  If not, its just regular dirt.

  3. take it to the vet

  4. my advice is go to the vewt to check her out

  5. you will need to take the bunny to the vet.  you cannot use over-the-counter flea products.  never use a flea shampoo intended for dogs or cats.  rabbits have very, very sensitive skin.

    if you have other house animals (cats or dogs) they can bring fleas into the house and infect your bunny.  they will need to be treated as well.

  6. Take it to the vet!!

  7. Reputable breeder is an oxymoron.

    Take the bunny to a vet.

    You can use Advantage or Ivermectin but it depends on her size if you can use it or not yet. Don't use any sprays or shampoos.

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