
Help? I want to look older?

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ok im 23 about to be 24 and i long between 18 and 20, It bugs the h**l out of me. I have always been this way. Plus i sound like a lot younger too! So im trying to look older. I dress just jeans and t-shirt everyday but im thinking that may be part of my problem. But i don't have a lot of money to buy all these fancy cloths. can someone help me? What could i wear to make me look older and where can i get cloths that are not to much money




  1. Probably forever 21&& alloy are you best choices for clothes i love them both && forever 21 is quite resnable prices

    && have you tried wearing more makeup( if you don' already)

    like bronzer && a darker eyeshawdow maybe a smokey eye lip color?

    &&  maybe heals or really cute flats = ]

  2. wear alot of make up..mascara and eyeliner with lipstick or lipgloss then do eyeshadow your face represents how old you really look

  3. Trust me, when your 50 people will probably see you in your late 30's early 40's. Then you wont be complaining.

  4. so...? should love looking younger. really comes in handy when youre 40... just wear heals with jeans, they make you look professional, stylish, less childish and sporty. dont wear glittery make up..get a nice classic haircut instead of something sloppy and teenish...this reminds me of my future mama in law...

  5. I would say your wardrobe really reflects your age, so shop at stores like Forever 21, where they have nice afforadable clothes. Also Charlotte Russe has nice clothes. You don't need to wear a lot of makeup to look older, i think too much makeup looks just stay natural or use a natural looking routine, try mineral makeup. Good luck =]

  6. I have the same problem.  I try to stay away from screen tees.  Also, I think a nice pair of shoes, and jeans that are not ripped or too worn looking looks more grown up.  I have started to realize that if I am in a store where everyone that is shopping there looks 15-18 years old, I should not shop there anymore.  

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