
Help! Interview!?

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Hi! I asked my genetics professor if he could write me a recommendation letter for dental school. I took his class last fall and i he said he doesn't remember me too well (300 ppl in the class) He asked me if he could interview me first b4 writing my letter. I'm not sure what he will ask me!!! Any ideas or suggestions on what to prepare? I hope he doesnt ask me genetics questions! What would you do? thanx




  1. he will simply ask what and how and where did i taught u :)

  2. u better study D=

  3. Hey, don't listen to the first answer on this post, that's just wrong and perverted.  Anyway, just go in relaxed and be yourself.  Don't put on a mask pretending to be something you're not.  If you don't know an answer to one of his questions, answer it to the best of your knowledge--just be honest.  Take deep breaths and get a good night sleep.  Good luck.

  4. Just relax and if you don't like the letter he writes, don't use it. I don't blame him for not wanting to write a letter of recommendation to just anybody, it reflects upon the writer professionally. Also, ask additional teachers that you may have had more contact with.

  5. if you studied and if you are a good student, you'll be fine (:

    believe in urself.

  6. Act like you want it. Know that you don't need it.

    It's important to be relaxed, and nothing takes the edge off like not caring.

  7. take some of your old tests, that have his writing on them, just give him some kind of proof. just bring the proof to the interview, and dont worry what questions he might ask. none of us could possibly know. dont stress over it.

  8. Just be honest, calm and friendly.  Remember it's ok to have a pause after a question if you need to think for a second about how to answer.  Don't make the mistake of feeling like you need to be so impressive that you miss the chance to really think about the conversation.

  9. Look at your recent work, and search a bit online for some stuff.

    GOOD LUCK :)

  10. you have to take your s**y clothes off your s**y body

  11. It is most likely that he will not actually ask you questions about his class (not too relevant in such a situation) but more about your personality, achievements, and goals. Such questions would include: Why do you want to go to dental school? What are you passionate about? Do you do any extracurriculars?

    I wouldn't worry THAT much about it, it is really unlikely that he will try and stump you as he is just trying to access the kind of person you are so his recommendation reflects you as best as possible.

    Remember to dress professionally, be early or at least on time, and it is always a nice gesture to send a letter of thanks afterwards whether or not he wrote you a letter.

    Good luck and stay clam.

  12. you dont have to worry so much(unless you have had some trouble with this prof in the past). if there were over 300 ppl in the class, maybe they just want to know/remember you more clearly.

  13. He will probably ask you why youre choosing it, why you chose his class. what you thought about it,and stuff about yourself. and probably some key question about genetics

  14. act like you self. be calm.
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