
Help! Is my grandmother a stoner???

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My family and I where at a restaurant the other day and my brother was asking me about making hash brownies (brownies with eatable marijuana) while my parents where away from the table

We used to be stoners but no longer smoke, I knew because I read it on the internet but never tried to make any,

Then my parents came back as well as my Grandma. And my brother was getting impatient and wanted to know so he asked me with code names.

So I told him how to make hash brownies and made code names for marijuana. And other ingredients to make it. My Grandma was so into our conversation and while I was telling him my Grandma was laughing and choking on her food and she started to agree with me

She was like "yeah! seriously!" and stuff like that. She was laughing in a dopey way and was laughing while she was eating and old people don't talk or laugh with food in their mouths which was what she was doing




  1. well did you smell it on her? she might have been but it doesnt seem like it. and wat kinda grandma do u have?! and i'm glad u decided to stop.

  2. it doesn't really mean shes a stoner maybe she used to do it back in the days!!! and it brings her back!!! and it makes her laugh shes not dumb any one would know what your talking about

    and whats wrong with having a cool grandma.:)

  3. Hey im a grandma and yes we were young once too. You have to realize you were doing all this talking in code and we have already done the things you are talking about.  Weve already experienced life and your thinking you are being sly. Just because we are OLD doesn't mean we didn't live alittle or still are living it up. You might be surprised at how cool your grandma really is, Just ask her she'll probably tell you. She probably knows a whole lot more than you think.

  4. hahaha your grandma seems cool

    my parents do that stuff so i'm sure

    they are going to be old stoners

    but just ask your grandma if she does that

    and if she still seems healthy then dont worry about it

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